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Module 3 - SLP Software Coursework Assignment

Coursework Instructions:

Module 3 - SLP
For Module 3, you are to continue to work with the tutorial at Please read through Lesson 3 [2] and Lesson 4 [3], and follow their steps for creating chapters 3 and 4 of your design document:
Identify Content and Functional Requirements
Group and Label Content
Metaphor Exploration
Set It in Stone
Define Navigation
This part of the tutorial concludes two parts:
“Create a new chapter in your design document called Content and Functional Requirements. Include a summary of the content inventory. Add a section about how the content is grouped and named. Add the list of functional requirements with a summary, if you like. The content inventory should be included as an appendix to the design document. Remember to publish these results so that everyone can see them.”
“Documentation time! Create a new chapter in your design document called ‘Site Structure.' Write a summary or metaphorical explanation about the driving rationale behind the site structure. Add the site structure listing. If the site structure listing is too long, add a shortened form and include the rest as an appendix. Compile the architectural blueprints and add them to the design document. Document the global and local navigation schemes. As always, publish these results so that everyone can see them.”
Your “publication” consists of submitting your “results” in report form as your SLP 3 assignment.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: 3-4 pages typed and double-spaced
The following items will be assessed in particular:
The degree to which you have carried out the assignment completely, or clarified why you could not and investigated alternatives
Your ability to focus on the overall purposes of the assignment, not just its specific steps
Your use of some in-text references to what you have read; please cite all sources properly

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Identify Content and Functional Requirements
It is necessary to identify the content and requirements as this helps to determine the site content and visualize this. Since user requirements are prioritized, it may be necessary to allow the users to be more actively involved when designing the site to avoid making extensive changes later on. Ideally, the site should integrate new applications that are required, but this is possible when the content and functional requirements are clearly identified, that features are integrated when compatible. For instance, using a wish list to identify items that will be part of the contents is undertaken. When the users visit different sites offering similar real estate services they compare listings and content, and they are likely to rank the sites depending on whether they meet their needs. Effective information systems meet the user needs by linking people to content depending on how the system is aligned and optimized (Scacchi, 2004). For the site designers and developers, meeting the user needs require that they have information on what the users want to optimize results. Gathering content is prioritized and linked with the functional requirements, and it is important to have resources to address functionality.
Group and Label Content
In information architecture, grouping and labeling the content is important since users will navigate using the meaningful labels provided and linked to the content areas (Pstatz, 2010). In any case, the users use keywords, and if the site has specifications on what they are looking for they are likely to spend more time on the site. This can inform the site designers how to prioritize specifications and refine the labels to be succinct and straightforward. Grouping the content ensures that the users identify what is relevant and the site does not duplicate information when the content is sorted and labeled. One way is to group the content before labeling is to focus on the topic, target audience, tasks and geographical areas, and this determines what will...
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