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Discussion on Teacher Keys Effectiveness System

Coursework Instructions:

Please use the document attached to respond to the following 36 discussion responses. I will also be attaching the initial questions so you can see what they actually responded to.
The discussion responses are actual response from my classmates in which I am required to respond to 2 per discussion. The discussion responses only need to be about 3-4 sentence each pointing out things you my agree with, things you appreciate about their response, and/or things you would add to their response. You may also use their response to respond on how it is related to something you have experienced before.

Class 4 Discussions:

1)      Read Fact Sheet #6 - Performance Standard 6: Assessment Uses from the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES). Which of the sample performance indicators will you emphasize for the remainder of this school year or the beginning of next school year? Be specific with action steps. Title your thread with the indicator.

2)      TKES Standard 6 states, “The teacher systematically gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to measure student progress, to inform instructional content and delivery methods, and to provide timely and constructive feedback to both students and parents.” How are you assessing students? What tools are you using to assess students in a variety of ways?

3)      The State of Georgia has two options for gifted eligibility as illustrated on page 11 of the Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services. Option A requires qualifying scores in mental ability (CogAT) and achievement (MAP). Option B requires qualifying scores in three out of four areas: mental ability, achievement, creativity, and motivation.

Explore various assessments for creativity and motivation which include Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) Figural, Gifted Evaluation Scale (GES), and Renzulli. NOTE: The GES and Renzulli are both teacher rating scales. Know that the State of Georgia only accepts one teacher rating scale as a qualifying score for gifted identification.

Share your thoughts on Georgia’s two options for gifted eligibility and the assessments for creativity and motivation.

4)      Read the six ideas for fostering creativity on the Creativity Task Cards in VERGE. Choose one activity and share how you could use this activity with your content and grade level. Title the thread with the name of the activity.

5)      View the Gifted Education site from the Georgia Department of Education. Explore DeKalb County’s gifted page on the district website as it is our external communication for families and community members. View the district’s SharePoint site which is an internal site primarily used by the gifted liaison at each school. Explore the website of at least one other district in the United States. Consider your experiences with gifted education and the knowledge gained from this program.

What is one change we could make as a district or at your own school to strengthen DeKalb’s gifted program? This is intentionally open-ended and could lead down a variety of paths from small changes to significant movements.

6)      The DeKalb County School District does not use products or portfolios to qualify students for gifted services in the areas of creativity or motivation. According to the Georgia Resource Manual for Gifted Education Services, students may “receive from a panel of qualified evaluators a score at or above 90 on a 100 point scale on a structured observation/evaluation of creative products and/or performances.” It continues, “As evidence of motivation, students, or individuals on behalf of students, may submit products or evidence of outstanding performances made during the two calendar years prior to evaluation. The products or performances submitted shall be reviewed by a panel of qualified evaluators.” Choose an assignment from any student that you think illustrates giftedness in the area of creativity or motivation. Describe the assignment and what the student did to demonstrate creativity or motivation. Upload a picture. Would you like to see our district utilize products to qualify students in the areas of creativity or motivation? Why or why not?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Class 4:
1 Plans a variety of formal and informal assessments aligned with instructional results to measure student mastery of learning objectives. 
For the remainder of this school year and the beginning of the next school year, I plan to implement formal and informal assessments that are aligned with results to better measure mastery of students' learning objectives. The action steps I plan to take in doing so would be to intentionally determine when instructional modifications are needed, analyze and use assessment data to check for understanding and adequacy of learning, provide clear, consistent, and timely feedback and error correction, provide differentiated instruction based on analysis of assessments, and provide multiple opportunities to practice and respond. Proper assessments are able to provide teachers with critical information regarding students' needs and abilities to inform the modifications and extensions needed.
Insightful post!! I agree with you that assessments should be aligned with learning objectives to better measure mastery. I think your action steps are well thought out and demonstrate a comprehensive approach to assessment. I feel that aligning assessment with objectives provides an added guarantee that a teacher shall be able to help students understand where they need to improve and how they can get there. I also find your proposed application of differentiated instructions insightful. If assessments can be used as a way to tailor instructions, the teacher’s ability to meet the individual needs of every learner will improve significantly.
2 Uses diagnostic assessment data to develop learning goals for students, to differentiate instruction, and to document learning.
For the remainder of the school year and next school year, I plan to more consistently use diagnostic assessment data to not only differentiate but develop learning goals for and with my students. In previous years and this year, I have used the learning continuum but not as consistently. This year and next year for I plan to meet with my students and discuss where they are for that standards of the upcoming unit. We will document where they stand for each standard and set a goal for mastery. Each data point, progress, and goal will be placed on a personalized live data tracking sheet. From there, I will create differentiated groups based on data and devise a mastery learning plan. 
I like your approach to sing data to inform instructions. Data is becoming an increasingly indispensable resource in every profession. Your proposal to use a live data tracking sheet will help you and your students monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. I also appreciated that you intend to involve students in the goal-setting process as it will empower them to take ownership of their learning.
1 Students are assessed in various ways throughout the class period. Whether by informal methods or formal methods, where they are and what they understand is the daily focus in class. I assess students primarily by informal questioning and quick checks. Students are assessed formally through common and benchmark assessments through Ill...
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