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Overview of Unemployment Rate

Coursework Instructions:

Did you hear the most recent announcement regarding the unemployment rate? Unemployment rate announcements are made the first Friday of the month. For this assignment, please read "The Employment Situation Summary" (Links to an external site.). 
- What did you learn about the most recent unemployment numbers?
- What is your reaction to the most recent report?  Based on the numbers, do you feel the economy is strengthening, weakening or remaining stable?
Next, read the "Economic Situation Summary Table" (Links to an external site.) to drill deeper into the data.
- What is the current unemployment rate?
- Has it been trending upward or downward over the past six months?
- As you scroll down in the report, the next section outlines unemployment rates by age groups.  Which age group is most affected by unemployment?  Why do you think that is occurring?
- What about race?  Which race groups are most affected by unemployment?
- What is the difference in unemployment rates for those individuals who have a bachelor's degree and higher versus those who have less than a high school diploma?
- Did anything in the unemployment data surprise you?
Submit your thoughts to the bulleted items.
Also, for further knowledge, the ''Databases, Tables & Calculators by Subject'' (Links to an external site.) which illustrates the U.S. unemployment rate over the past ten years.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
 Unemployment Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name February 15, 2021 The Employment Situation Summary
  • What did you learn about the most recent unemployment numbers?
  1. Based from the recent unemployment number, it seems that the economy is slowly recovering albeit it is still far from what it was before the pandemic. This could be shown in the reduction of unemployment rates in multiple sectors and between different demographics. For example, the decline in between demographic population shows that “adult men (6.0 percent), adult women (6.0 percent), Whites (5.7 percent), and Hispanics (8.6 percent)” have all experienced significant reduction in unemployment rates.
  • What is your reaction to the most recent report?  Based on the numbers, do you feel the economy is strengthening, weakening or remaining stable?
  1. Based on the numbers, I feel that the economy is somehow strengthening relative to the current situation that America and the whole world is facing. Yes, it was shown that unemployment rates are still higher compared to the ‘pre-pandemic levels’. However, it must be noted that the pandemic has taken a toll, not only on the United States, but for the whole world which is the reason for vast layoffs. Nonetheless, aside from the reduction in unemployment rates across sectors and population demographic, several secto...
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