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Module 3 Assignment Case Logistical Quality Control

Coursework Instructions:

Module 3 - Case
Case Assignment
Please refer to the Case 1 description of the hypothetical grocery delivery company.
Let's suppose the company has Taken Off, and is now a Big Deal in Silicon Valley. Thousands of otherworldly, overpaid people, many of whom could either find the time to go shopping themselves, or delegate the task to their PAs, have come to rely upon for groceries – and not just at 3:00 AM on Sunday morning.
The company's success has been due to its clean, beautifully intuitive shopping app, which works flawlessly on every device, and also to its awesomely fast delivery service. In one instance, which has become the stuff of local legend, a millionaire's trophy wife was horrified to discover that she was completely out of cocktail onions, and a party she was hosting was beginning in a half hour. She placed an order on her cellphone, and a motorcycle courier from MyShoppingCart had the onions in her hand in 17 minutes flat. (That $1.75 jar of onions did, of course, cost her $50, charged to her American Express card, but she didn't notice.)
But now the company has encountered a problem -- the warehouse. There are bottlenecks: it's taking too long for items to get from the receiving side of the shipping dock to the shelves. It's taking too long to pick an order from the shelves and get it out the door, in either a car trunk or motorcycle saddlebags. There's no minimum acceptable time for either activity; the emphasis is always on making things faster.
Obviously, it's impossible to know the particulars of what's going on. But how would you find out? Once you know, what sort of program would you put into place, to make things better? In particular:
How would you go about benchmarking the warehouse's performance?
How would you collect data concerning the details of warehouse performance?
How would you apply the PDCA process to improving performance?
Your discussion should be solidly grounded in the background materials, and supported by citations and references.

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Case Logistical Quality Control
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Case Logistical Quality Control
With the supply chain getting more complex, more benchmarking to measure the performance of warehouses are also emerging. Moreover, these warehouse benchmarking metrics are used differently thus there is no clear definition for some of them.
1 How would you go about benchmarking the warehouse’s performance?
The question that most warehouse manager keep asking themselves are “How good is their performance and whether there is room for improvement or they are the best?” These questions cannot be answered until they do benchmark their warehouses (Bhagwat & Sharma, 2007). In our case, the warehouse is taking to deliver the items either from the shelves to the cars or from the receiving side to the shelves. In measuring the performance of this warehouse, I will take time to walk through the whole facility to observe the general operating conditions. Then I will compare them with those of other similar warehouses within the region because we have not set the minimum standards yet. This will be important in setting our own the average standards that we will get by comparing ourselves with others.
2 How would you collect data concerning the details of warehouse performance?
In evaluating the performance of a warehouse, four major areas need to be assessed, they include; labor, facilities, workflow and procedures, and systems (Liviu, Ana-Maria, & Emil, 2009). In assessing labor, first I will have to collect information about the number of orders being processed at a given time. Secondly, I will assess the number of employees involved in moving the items either from the shelves to the car or from the receiving docket to the shelves. In assessing facilities, first I will assess how we utilize storage, picking and packing areas. Secondly, I will calculate the cost per order or call and l...
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