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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
1 Source
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.83

How Could those Decisions have been Enhanced by Optimization Models?

Coursework Instructions:

Identify two key strategic decisions made by your current team, department, or organization. How could those decisions have been enhanced by optimization models? Support your rationale with evidence from readings or external research. Cite and reference needed.

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How Could those Decisions have been Enhanced by Optimization Models?
The two strategic decisions that my business-related organization made were increasing the staff size through recruiting new specialized hires and adjusting the working hours for the staff. The two decisions are meant to enhance overall performance and productivity for all the staff involved in the business processes at the organization. An optimization model is behind enhancing the chosen strategic decisions in the organizational environment; and determining the effectiveness of focusing on the specific decisions to address the existing problems. Notably, the objective is to strengthen the organization’s performance, and the optimization models are fruitful whenever they attain the objective purpose and fulfill every constraint depicted by a problem. For example, from our company’s perspective, the problem is insufficient qualified staff to carry out the required duties and look forward to achieving the desired business goals. The solution to such ...
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