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1 page/≈275 words
5 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Pediatric Assessment: PDA With RSV

Case Study Instructions:


  • Each submission is limited to 1 page and must include at least 1 scholarly source per section. Title page and reference page required for every submission. 


  • This assignment is worth 64 points. 
  • The grading rubric for this assignment in the course shell is incorrect.  The first section of the rubric (23%) will apply to Criteria 1, 2, & 3. The second section of the rubric (15%) will apply to Criteria 4 & 5. 
  • Grammar, punctuation, APA style, and presentation matter.  Per the grading rubric, 19 of the 64 points are for tone, spelling & grammar, and APA.  Run it through Grammarly.  Run it by a classmate, family member, or friend.  Do not submit a paper with multiple fonts, obvious copy / pasted sections, or simple errors.  Show your professional identity with the professionalism of your submission.
  • These are reasons I will not grade this assignment:  Instructions / guidelines were not followed; major grammatical errors; major APA errors.
Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Pediatric Assessment: PDA with RSV
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Institutional Affiliation
Instructor's Name
The most frequent cause of bronchiolitis, the lower respiratory tract infection, is a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (Silver & Nazif, 2019). The presence of laboratory evidence, such as an RSV nasal swab, can support the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. On the other hand, a congenital cardiac abnormality known as patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) results when the ductus arteriosus fails to seal correctly within the first few hours or days of life (Gillam-Krakauer & Reese, 2018). In this case, the history of PDA is significant because it suggests that the patient may have an increased risk of developing bronchiolitis due to the increased pulmonary blood flow. This increased risk is accelerated because the patient is in the lower than 10th percentile of weight and has a history of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Vivi Mitchell is at a greater risk for developing bronchiolitis due to her low birth weight and her cardiac history of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) (Bennett et al., 2018)). Her age (6 months old) also places her in a more significant risk group. Additionally, her mother's occupation as an ER nurse exposes her to contact with infectious diseases. Vivi's two other siblings, who attend daycare, also put her at greater risk for contracting the virus. Finally, her current symptoms, such as rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough, indicate an increased risk of developing bronchiolitis.
The characteristic signs and symptoms of bronchiolitis include wheezing, rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough (Karim et al., 2018). The child m...
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