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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Functional Behaviour Assessment

Case Study Instructions:
Field Observation Project Classroom observations totaling 15 hours are required. For these observations candidates will be responsible for arranging observations where they will have the opportunity to observe an individual with special needs. The observation report narrative will be limited to two (2) pages. The observation site must be a legitimate educational environment. The age range must include an individual who reflects the focus of this class and your specialty area (childhood or adolescence). Candidates must include the observation permission form when submitting report (included on Moodle). These reports must be completely free of the use of any individual names. Once candidates have arranged for their observation site, they must include the name of the teacher and student. Candidates must assure complete confidentiality. These observations will be assessed according to the Field Observation Project Grading Scale (see Assessment of Candidates). Field Observation Project Guidelines Part 1: A. The observation report should follow this format in terms of headings and content. The report should be a MAXIMUM of two (2) typed pages (may be single spaced - font must Times or Times New Roman and be no smaller than size 12.) There is no minimum # of pages. p. 15 B. Observation related research article summaries p. 16 C. Reference Page p.17 Part 2: The Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) p. 18-19 Part 3: Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) p. 20 should be included on the forms provided in Appendix C. Part 4: Permission form p. 21 This report should be strictly objective. Candidates must focus on what they observe - not what they do not observe. If candidates find themselves writing the words "didn't," "not," "nothing" or anything indicating the absence of behavior, they should consider revising their statement. Most importantly, candidates must "see, hear, count or measure" the behavior in order to write about it. Describing an individual in terms of what he/she doesn't do tells the reader nothing. Describing the individual in terms of what he/she does provides an accurate picture. For example, an individual who remains silent while being observed does not mean that he/she cannot speak. It simply means that he/she remained silent. It is appropriate that candidates report any information they may receive from the teacher about a student's communication skills. However, candidates must report only what they see and hear. Candidates must avoid assumptions such as "it seems, the student did this because… he appeared to be happy, she seemed to like it, and judgment statements such as "only, simply, just, merely, etc.) Part 1-A. Observation Report Format (use headings/address all areas) (See blank form p. 15) I. Introduction: Where did you observe? What types of individuals are served? What is the age range of the individuals served? What is the philosophy of the organization, agency, school or teacher? Describe the setting (urban, suburban, rural, and building handicap accessibility.) II. Environment: Describe the learning environment, living area or work area in terms of size, structure, furniture, arrangement, noise level, lighting, ventilation, orderliness, skill areas or centers, age-appropriateness, and evidence of assistive technology or UDL. III. Behavior Management: How do the teachers, aides, supervisors, or individuals themselves monitor, encourage or inhibit behaviors. Mention any use of reinforcers, prompts, evidence of PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, RTI (Response to Intervention), etc. IV. Individual Observed: Select and describe an individual in terms of approximate age, physical characteristics, speech/language, attention/focus to task, participation, etc. V. Individual Relationships: A. Describe the individual's interactions with peers. B. Describe the individual's interactions with others. VI. Independence: Describe the behaviors you observed that indicate levels of independence. Part 1-B. Observation Related Research Articles Summaries (See form p.16) In addition to the observation report, you will be required to select and submit a brief review of 5 research articles. Each review should include a brief (no more than two -2 paragraphs) analysis of the study – purpose of the study, subjects of the study, methodology used to conduct the study and how the article informs your observation – why you chose this particular study and how it relates to your observation, e.g. the nature of the individual observed/environment/teaching strategies/behavior management/technology/etc. These articles must relate to the age range of your certification (childhood/adolescence) and specific exceptionality you have observed. Using the library electronic database, selection of the articles must be peer-reviewed, research based. The articles must show evidence of investigation of the most recent literature - within the past 5 years. Part 1-C. Reference Page (see form p.17) Following the article summaries, include a separate reference page following APA 6th edition (American Psychological Association) format. This reference manual is available in the library as well in the selected examples provided on Moodle (Reference Samples). Part 2: FBA (see form pp. 18-19) Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) based on the Observation(s) Part 3: Develop a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) based on the FBA (see form p.20) Part 4: Permission form (p. 21) I will upload the plan sheets....everything must be done on the sheets For the behaviour intervention plan, behaviors must be recorded every 30 seconds (you can find examples online) please follow the instructions outlined as this is worth 70% of final grade. If you do not feel that you can complete it, please let me know. There must be 5 peer-reviewed articles on the behavior as well, each must be summarized into no more than 2 paragraphs and must pertain to the behaviors exhibited in the plan. If you need more pages please let me know
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Part 1-A:Observation Report
The observation was done in a school setting. It was done on children with ADHD within the age range of 8-12 years old. In this school, most of the times, teachers give directions to the children and watch them, as they follow the directions closely. The directions are explained in a very simple form because the teacher is dealing with young children whose concentration is very low. The setting is in a rural area where parents are expected to take their child(ren) to see a physician for routine checkups. In the event that a teacher detects an illness, the teacher is expected to file a report with the principal to further discuss specific action the school/parents need to take.
II. Environment:
III. Behavior Management:
The teachers in the school do not encourage negative behaviors. Children are punished for any misconduct reported. In addition, the teachers encourage the children to follow the instructions given. This does not mean that after they give out the directions to be followed by children, they sit down and wait for the results. However, they follow the behaviors of the children and implement corrective measures immediately when children deviate from the ways they should follow. There are rewards for the children who follow the directions given keenly. This is a good reinforcer as children work hard to win the prizes given. The teacher gives free school trips to the children who perform the best while other children have to pay for the trips.
IV. Individual Observed:
The observation was done on a class two boy who was physically fit. His physical appearance and body structure showed that he did not have any physical impairment. He speaks fluently but has confusion of ideas, speaking of different issues at the same time. His attention is low as noted when he is asked questions, as he gives out of topic responses. His focus is low and this can be noted from his concentration as he is seen to be attentive to other matters or seems to be out of place. He performs differently on different tasks and this is attributed to his love for such tasks. He loves playing and whenever the children are engaged in any game, his performance is excellent. His concentration in class is poor. His planning and organization of tasks is poor and in most of the times, he is unable to complete class work. He jumps from one task to another before the first one is complete.
V. Individual Relationships:
A. Interactions with peers
With his peers, he feels out of place because they are doing things he does not want. He does not fit in a group that performs tasks in an organized manner. He likes jumping form one task to another and feels that they are destructing his behaviors. He lacks control of his actions and when upset, he does not think twice before hitting a friend. He is unable to wait for his turn when playing with his friends and thus distracts them always, as he wants to ha...
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