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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd Employees Turnover Management Strategy

Case Study Instructions:

CASE STUDY , you will write about a specific strategic problem faced by a company of your own choosing along with analyses and recommendations based on tools you learn throughout the course.(CAN NOT CHOOSE TESLA, CHOBANI) PLEASE FOLLOW THE ANALYSES TOOLS ON THOSE SLIDES, THANKS.

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Employees Turnover Management Strategy
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Employees Turnover Management Strategy
The effectiveness of an organization is determined by its capacity to identify and deal properly with specific issues it faces. For example, a person would ask; can the organization tackle and design appropriate goals and strategies to address problems it experiences? In line with (McGrath et al., 2016), without putting in place proper and consistent matching of operations and strategies, business is likely to face challenges that deter it from executing its set goals. It is important that each company maintains regular communication and cooperation among its divisions. It is a strategy that helps the organization checks and keeps updated with any problem that might be affecting its operations.
The following paper focuses on the Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd which forms the largest taxi operator company in Singapore. For example, the company has a combined fleet of about seventeen thousand taxis. According to (Charlton & Starkey, 2017), the company also offers the best booking system in the world and maintains the state of the art customer contact centers. Its vision is to become the most preferred land transport provider with high-quality services. As a result, it is committed to designing innovative transport systems in all operations which are intended to make all its clients enjoy every trip of their journey. Despite its strong belief in offering its workers great workplace harmony, it is currently experiencing a high rate of employee turnover that forms the basis of the following article.
By definition, workers turnover means the number of workers who leave a company and then replaced by new ones. It is necessary to keep track of employee turnover because it assists employers to remedy the situation and keep turnover rates as low as possible. As pointed by (Botvinick & Braver, 2015), every organization has to hire and retain qualified workers to succeed. The main reason attributed to Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd experiencing high turnover is due to demotivation. For example, most employees feel demotivated by the pay system offered by the organization. The problem has deterred the company’s commitment to the offering of the best land transport services highlighted as follows.
First, the company has recorded a tremendous reduction its productivity. When there are high rates of turnover, the quality of product or service delivery is often reduced because the company can only attract inexperienced workers (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). For example, the company finds it difficult to retain qualified staff who can serve customers effectively at customers’ care centers. Therefore, most clients feel unsatisfied with the quality of service offered by customer service representatives. The current employees are not motivated to work, and some cannot maintain the needed personal relationship to build customer loyalty.
In addition, due to high turnover rates faced by the Comfort Transportation Pte Ltd, it incurs expensive turnover costs. Turnover costs refer to the financial expenditures an organization uses to hire and train new employees (Park ...
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