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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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unit eight case study

Case Study Instructions:
Read the Starbuck's case study in Chapter 22 on pages 648-649 of the textbook. Answer the three questions at the end. Support your answers with a minimum of one source per question, no more than five years old. 1. Starbucks has worked hard to act ethically and responsibly. Has it done a good job communicating its efforts to consumers? Do consumers believe Starbucks is a responsible company? Why or why not? (275 word minimum answer plus one additional source no older than 5 years) 2. Where does a company like starbucks draw the line on supporting socially responsible programs? For example, how much of its annual budget should go toward these programs? How much time should employees focus on them? Which programs should it support? (275 word minimum answer plus one additional source no older than 5 years) 3. How do you measure the results of Starbuck's socially responsible programs? (275 word minimum answer plus one additional source no older than 5 years)
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Unit Eight Case Study Student: Professor: Course title: Date: Unit eight case study Starbucks has worked hard to act ethically and responsibly. Has it done a good job communicating its efforts to consumers? Do consumers believe Starbucks is a responsible company? Why or why not? (275 word minimum answer plus one additional source no older than 5 years) The company has done a good job in communicating to its customers on its efforts to act ethically and responsibly. For instance, the company has done so by providing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) reports, which are transparent about Starbucks shortcomings and successes in the corporate responsibility space, and such CSR reports are available to all stakeholders including customers. The reporting has helped to build confidence and loyalty among Starbucks’ shareholders and customers whilst creating alignment within the firm (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). Moreover, it has communicated to its consumers through its corporate website. The Corporation has a commitment to offering the highest quality coffee, which is responsibly produced and ethically purchased. Through its responsible purchasing practice, the company invests in its suppliers, farmers and their communities. The consumers believe Starbucks is a responsible company, and that is why most of them have become loyal customers. Moreover, they believe Starbucks is a responsible company because it recycles its cups and is committed to green energy solutions, hence helping to preserve the environment and conserve trees. (Starbucks Corporation, 2012). In an effort to act ethically and responsibly, Starbucks has collaborated with Conservation International (CI) in order to ensure the coffee beans it purchases is of the highest quality, grown responsibly and traded ethically. The company works constantly with coffee farmers on responsible techniques for instance, using shade-growing methods and planting trees along rivers to help in preserving forest...
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