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About Food and Culture The Chinese Dumplings

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This research paper is for the food and culture class,there have my research prop topic and the recipe of the how to make the Chinese dumplings.I used the different recipe in my topic paper,but please use the one has the celery.When you write the research paper,please put the recipe in one page.

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May 7, 2019
Food and Culture – The Chinese Dumplings
The Chinese dumpling is a common staple across China. This nourishing food seem to have been adopted from all over the world as mentions of it in scholarly articles as well as reviews on this sumptuous delicacy is a well-accepted notion. Growing cultures on the preparation and consumption of dumplings across Asia, Australia, Americas and even Europe have spawned. In fact, Chinese food is deemed to be one of the most popular cuisines out there in the world, with almost any country cooking, preparing, and selling them. The global reach of China’s influence has in effect been demonstrated in the most subtle means and in this case, yes the common dumpling. This simple food may have dominated the world gastronomically but there is more to it than just good taste and nourishment. The cultural value of dumplings stem from its origins and lore. In this article, the history and the tradition of Chinese cuisine would be discussed in accordance with its inception as one of the most popular cuisines in the world. The succeeding sections would discuss the cultural background of such cuisine, social significance, as well as provide a recipe of one of the foods that are commonly prepared in this kind of cuisine. All in all, the author of this article believes that while some might think of Chinese food as mundane, looking at its history and other facets of its social significance would lead to a greater appreciation of Chinese food as in international cuisine.
Cultural Background
The historical background of dumplings dates back 1,800 years in ancient China. The Chinese term for dumpling is Jiaozi and was originally used by a Chinese medicine man named Zhang Zhongjing (GBTimes, 2012). According to the article, the medicine man was upset on a spreading epidemic caused by extreme cold during one winter season. He made a concoction of mixed mutton meat, chilli, herbs and shredded them as fillings then used dough to wrap the fillings into ear shaped morsels. A few days later, frostbite was cured and the epidemic was under control. Soon, people started copying Zhang’s dumplings and mixed it with different kinds of meat and vegetables (GBTimes, 2012). Doctor Wang Lingxiang says that all the ingredients used in the making of dumplings could help warm the body and promote blood flow. Also it has a great taste and wonderful texture that it is instanteaneously received by all. Thus it has become the symbol of warmth and home CITATION Ori14 \l 1033 (Origin of Chinese dumplings).
A learned Dissertation on Dummpling, its Dignity, Antiquity and Exellence; with a Word upon Pudding was found in the British Museum and cited by Frederick Wood, author of the article An Eighteenth Century Original for lamb? CITATION Woo29 \l 1033 (Wood). Author Wood explains that the original publication of the pamphlet remains elusive however, the British Museum holds a copy of the fifth edition published in 1726 CITATION Woo29 \l 1033 (Wood). The article indicates that authorship of the said document is being ascertained however, new leads may soon be established to pinpoint the proper author responsible for the paper. The c...
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