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Analysis Conceptualization of Paula Modersohn-Becker’s Art Gallery: Visual & Performing Arts Research Paper

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Analysis Conceptualization of Paula Modersohn-Becker’s Art Gallery
Paula Modersohn-Becker, a unique German painter, was born on 8th February, 1876 in a city of Dresden, Germany. The first German woman painter who introduced the new art style of post-impressionist of late 19th century in her paintings. Her beautiful paintings reflect the context of the art in 1900. Also, her mummy portraits and sculpture show her interest in Egyptian and early Greek art. She belongs to an aristocratic family and got a cultured and intellectual household environment in inheritance. Her parents encouraged her talent, according to art historian Diane Radycki, her mother even took in a border in order to pay for her daughter's art lessons. Even though her childhood was happy, but she faced various tragic events of death and losses of her beloved in her childhood, after becoming an artist which, she described in her works. Being a female writer, her mostly paintings present woman reflection. As a mother, her devotions and love for her baby, her few portraits illustrate. Publications of her works end with her death on November 30, 1907, right after given birth to her only child in the age of thirty-one. Contextualization of her artworks shows the reflection of her childhood, her love and affection for nature, sentimental landscape, her life experiences, scenes of peasants’ life, motherhood, and her painting style. This essay discusses the qualities of Paula Modersohn-Becker’s artworks on the bases of her experiences, interests and her expressionist style.
Reflection of Her Childhood
[Art-Prints-On-Demand, "Girl at Birch Tree - Paula Modersohn-Becker," Highest Quality Fine Art Prints on Demand, accessed November 16, 2020,]
Painting is something that expresses the blended thoughts of an artist’s mind. The best feature of any artist is that their portrait elaborates the situation itself. Paula’s many paintings are related to her childhood which uncovers traumatic events of her life. Similarly, in this painting, a lonely girl about ten years, standing beside a tree, slightly touched her head with the tree reflects that she is thinking something. Lost in some deep thoughts is illustrating Paula Modersohn-Becker‘s thoughts of sadness on her lonely childhood. A girl leaning against the tree shows that she is waiting for something/ someone shows Paula’s depression on the death of her beloved eleven-year-old cousin, whom she played with a sandpit. Her blue eyes are looking to see those days again and to see her lost friend again. Her cousin death impact later artist herself described as "at the moment of her death, Maid ---- And so she has remained.” Moreover, the beauty of her art is that a person can acknowledge deep emotions, passion, and sentiments through her portraits.
Sentimental Landscape
[Anna McNay, "Paula Becker and Otto Modersohn: Art and Life," Studio International: Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, accessed November 16, 2020, /index.php/paula-becker-and...
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