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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 17.5

My Vision as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar

Research Paper Instructions:

Complete the following in your assignment template:
Role as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner model to answer the following: In your own words, explain McClintock's scholar-practitioner model. What will it mean to you to be a practitioner-scholar? Explain what it will mean to you to be a multicultural practitioner-scholar and how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge, skills, and multicultural competencies that you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.
Vision: Develop an inspiring description of your future career vision as a multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar. Be sure to include the individuals you wish to impact, how you will protect the therapeutic relationship (between you and your clients) with multiculturalism, the setting in which you would like to practice psychology, and specialized areas for research and scholarship in psychology. Note: It may be useful to update your Articulating Your Purpose activity to help support these revisions.
After completing a draft of the previously outlined sections of your paper, draft the remaining sections in the assignment template. Your complete assignment should include the following:
Title page.
Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
Introduction: A concise overview of the paper's content.
Body of Paper:
Role As a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar.
Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming an effective multicultural practitioner scholar in the field of psychology.
Additional Requirements
Template: Use the Vision as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar Template [DOC] to format your paper.
Length: 3 (minimum) to 5 (maximum) typed and double-spaced content pages in Times New Roman 12-point font. The title page, abstract, and reference list are not included in this length.
References: Include a minimum of three references from scholarly literature. All references need to be cited in-text, according to current APA standards. Remember that citations are to support your thoughts, not take the place of them!
Communication: Must be clear, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax, and with good organization.
Writing Style: APA expectations for scholarly writing include the use of third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so. However, because you are talking about yourself in this paper, you may write in the first person.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and format. Include a title page, abstract, and reference list.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

My Vision as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Inmates experience various behavioral issues that contribute to violence towards other inmates as well as prison staff. My vision is to become an applied behavior specialist working in a prison setting to help address behavioral issues among inmates, thus ensuring their safety and that of prison staff. This will be achieved through my role as a multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar. A multicultural psychology practitioner-scholar incorporates current knowledge and scientific research in their practice. Through this role, I will be able to address the behavioral issues of a diverse prison population and promote safety in the prison system.
My Vision as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar
I have always been curious about people, their behavior, and how it is influenced by their environment. This is what attracted me to the field of psychology because I want to understand human behavior and figure out how people in different situations behave. I have experience working at a level 5 prison and this has exposed me to different behaviors among inmates. Seeing violent behaviors among inmates firsthand has influenced me and has led me to psychology because I want to understand how prisoners interact with the prison environment and how this influences their behavior. I am more specifically interested in behavior analysis psychology because my career plan is to become an Applied Behavior Specialist. As Hausam et al. (2020) indicate, incorporating behavioral assessments into risk assessment can help in risk monitoring in the prison setting because it allows for a deeper insight into inmate behavior. Once we understand inmate behavior, it becomes easier to manage violence and disturbances within the prison. My interest in behavioral psychology is important because it will help me understand violent behaviors and ultimately, allow me to better manage people with violent tendencies.
Role as a Multicultural Practitioner-Scholar
It is becoming increasingly important for practitioners in psychology as well as other fields to merge scholarship and practice in their role. One model that encourages the connection between scholarship and practice is McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model. The model encourages professionals to not only apply theory in their practice but to also incorporate research to bridge the gap between practice and research (Streitwieser & Ogden, 2016). With this model, the use of theory and knowledge in practice is not enough; professionals need to go further and use scientific research and evidence in their practice. The goal of a scholar is to use research to advance scientific knowledge and contribute to the existing literature while the goal of a practitioner is to apply knowledge and experience in their respective field to create change (Ellwood, 2018). As such, a scholar-practitioner combines the two goals to ensure they not only apply current knowledge and experience to their practice but also co...
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