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7 pages/β‰ˆ1925 words
10 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Support and Addiction Therapy Groups: Background, Meeting Structure, and Function

Research Paper Instructions:

Your paper will be approximately 8 pages long (not including title and reference pages [NOTE: References will coming from books/materials that may be available at the meetings along with academic sources; at least ½ of the sources should be academic sources]). Current APA style is expected. The paper should include an abstract. There should be at least 10 sources and at least 5 of these need to be professional academic sources. The others can be materials related to AA, NA, or Al-Anon in specific.
Address the following required elements in your paper:
• Support Group Brief History (introduce and discuss each support group AA, NA, & AlAnon and their origins; how long have they existed; important individuals and milestones in their development; present status; future directions, goals, etc.). There should be a separator sub-section for each- AA, NA, and AlAnon.
• Support Group Meeting Structure and Function (what is the basic structure of a support group meeting; what is the “leader’s” role; how does the group recognize success stories; what do they do for relapses, etc.)
• Addiction Therapy Groups Brief History (how long have they existed; important individuals and milestones in the development of these groups; goals of these therapy groups; important milestones; future directions; present status)
• Addiction Therapy Groups Meeting Structure and Function (what are the different types of addiction therapy groups and their different purposes; what are the group facilitator’s roles; what are the roles of the group members; what is the process of group, etc.)
• Compare and Contrast Support Groups with Addiction Therapy Groups (how are they similar; how are they different; what are the strengths and limitations of support groups; what are the strengths and limitations of addiction therapy groups; is a multi-cultural focus addressed in either of these- if so how?; is a spiritual aspect addressed in either of these- if so how?
• Conclusion (what you learned; how could you use/facilitate support group utilization in your work/practice in the future; how could you use/facilitate therapy groups in your work/practice in the future. Etc.)
The format for the body of your SGS on the following page is strongly recommended for your use.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Support Groups and Treatment Groups
Institution Affiliation
Support groups and addiction therapy groups are crucial in helping individuals struggling with drug abuse problems overcome this challenge. There are various support group categories, such as alcoholic anonymous (AA) AI-Anon, and narcotics anonymous (NA). All employ a twelve-step program that brings together individuals who face similar drug abuse struggles and help them cope with such struggles. Similarly, there are different addiction therapy groups, including psycho-educational groups, skill development groups, interpersonal process groups, and cognitive behavioral theory groups, that help individuals overcome drug abuse behavior. This paper discusses all these groups in detail, providing historical background and meeting structure and function of each group.
Support Groups
This section focuses on addiction support groups such as AA, NA, and AI-Anon support groups. These groups are voluntary and allow individuals facing common addiction struggles to meet and share mutual support (Zemore et al., 2017; Krentzman et al., 2011). This section summarizes the history, brief overview, meeting structure, and observations I made when I attended sessions in each of the aforementioned support groups.
Alcoholic Anonymous
Brief History of AA
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship that brings together individuals who intend to solve their alcoholism problem. It started when Dr. Bob, an Akron surgeon, and Bill W., a New York stockbroker, met in Akron, Ohio, in 1935 (Capuzzi & Stauffer, 2020). These individuals had been suffering from severe alcoholism. The interaction of these individuals resulted in the rise of AA. In subsequent years, particularly in Akron City Hospital, several patients through AA achieved sobriety. The idea also spread to other regions in the United States, such as New York and Cleveland. By the 1950s, over 100,000 individuals attending AAs had recovered from alcoholism. Today are present in over 180 countries, playing a crucial role in helping people suffering from alcoholism recover.
Meeting Structure and Function
There are two types of AA meetings, open and closed; the former is available to alcoholics and non-alcoholics, and the latter is only reserved for people with a drinking problem (Wnuk, 2022). In both these meetings, participants are requested to confine their discussions to matters related to recovery from alcoholism. In both cases, meetings are coordinated by one of the AA members who determine the format of the day's meeting (Wnuk, 2022). AA meetings can be held online, on the phone, or in person, with each group member deciding where, when, and how frequently they should meet. In-person meetings are common and take place in various places, such as churches, office buildings, treatment centers, and social halls. Some meetings may also take place in parks, beaches, and other outdoor settings. The chairperson usually opens the meeting with a few remarks and the AA Preamble with some calling for a moment of silence and reciting of the AA Serenity Prayer (Krentzman et al., 2010). The chairperson usually asks if any new attendees would like to introduce themselves to the group. Almost all m...
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