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Royal Bank of Canada Analyses. Economics Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Aim: The research should provide the necessary information for a reasoned investment decision with reference to Royal Bank of Canada. The basic aim of this research is to evaluate whether the underlying business represents a good investment in the long term (say three-year and beyond) and whether the stock price is fairly valued at this time so that an investment recommendation (buy, hold, or sell) can be made.
Source of Information for Research: (1) online annual reports of public traded companies; (2) online statistics (such as, https://www(dot)reuters(dot)com/markets/stocks, and other sites); (3) Factiva (online at Dalhousie); (4) Thomson ONE (online at Dalhousie); (5) Mergent Online (online at Dalhousie); (6) MarketLine (online at Dalhousie); (7) Datastream (in Killam Library); (4) Bloomberg Terminal (in Killam Library); (8) http://www(dot)sec(dot)gov/edgar.shtml (Edgar, US Security and Exchange Commission Filing System); and (9) http://www(dot)sedar(dot)com (Canadian version of Edgar).
focus on economic conditions

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Royal Bank of Canada
Institutional Affiliation
Royal Bank of Canada
Share Price
Royal Bank of Canada has been one of the best performing financial institutions in the Canadian market. Its closing share price as at October 30th, 2019 was at 106.49 Canadian dollars (Yahoo Finance, 2019). The past decade has been an exceptional period for the firm and more so, since the 2009 financial crisis. In February 2009, the firm’s share hit a very low share price of C$26.12 as the global economic juncture came to a standstill as a result of the failed housing market in the United States (U.S.).
Royal Bank of Canada (Yahoo Finance, 2019)
Surprisingly, the management has done a commendable job to bring the financial position of the firm to its peak. The share price data confirms that firm is being run well. Even there other metrics to determine whether it’s a worthwhile investment option.
Dividend History
Dividends offer an investor a clue on the performance of the company per every dollar invested. They convey the amount of cash flow the firm is generating and thus, one can easily gauge the financial position of the firm. Another element in this case is consistency in the issuance of these dividends. Mature and well performing companies have a consistent system that guarantees their shareholders of regular dividends. This position makes RBC an attractive proposition to any investor. At the very least, RBC has offered its common shareholders a dividend yield on quarterly basis (RBC, 2019). Even better, is that the dividend yield has been on a constant rise. For instance, in 2008 shareholders received C$ 0.50 per each quarterly period, while in the last quarter of 2019, they will receive C$ 1.05 (RBC, 2019). Consistency is the major staking point in this case.
Leverage Ratio
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