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10 pages/≈2750 words
8 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Is a Bachelor's Degree in Respiratory Care Worth it?

Research Paper Instructions:

I attached a copy of my initial issue proposal that I handed in. "Is a Bachelor's Degree in Respiratory Care Worth it?" so this assignment has to be based on this and the other assignments that were done prior. My teacher also said based on my proposal my outline should be framed below...
Need formal outline framed like this:
1. Advanced degree achievement in RT. The current status of the workforce.
2. Advantages of advanced degrees.
3. Disadvantages of advanced degrees.
4. Overall impact on the workforce.
5. Conclusions and recommendations.
Issues Analysis Research Paper: Draft Research Paper Directions
This assignment represents an in-depth investigation of an issue related to allied health.
In The Little Brown Handbook, Fowler and Aaron defined analysis as “the separation of something into its parts or elements, the better to understand it” (2018, p 158-159, 2019, p 150-151).
The next step in the process is looking for connections between these parts or elements. It is important to understand how each part contributes to understanding the issue.
The last step is to draw conclusions about the importance of each part in terms of the “big picture”. The Little Brown Handbook refers to this as synthesizing, which is discussed on pages 585- 587.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) describes the writing of college-level research papers and specifically addresses analytical papers.
Students are to research the issue through a minimum of eight credible sources ideally published in the last 5 years, one of which may be a cited personal interview of an expert. The draft paper of at least 10 pages —not including the title and references pages--is to be uploaded by 11:59 PM on Sunday, April 14. The following criteria will be used to evaluate and grade the papers.
• Clear purpose/thesis 5 pts
• Content (quality of evidence) 10 pts
• Evidence of critical thinking and analysis 10 pts
• Quality and appropriateness of information sources 5 pts
• Use of APA style including use of a professional tone and language 5 pts
• Organization and clarity of writing 10 pts
• Mechanics of writing 5 pts
• Revision addressing concerns from review process (For final paper)

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Is a Bachelor's Degree in Respiratory Care Worth it? Should the Minimum Entry into the Field Be Changed from an Associate to Bachelor’s Degree? Name Institution Is a Bachelor's Degree in Respiratory Care Worth it? Should the Minimum Entry into the Field Be Changed from an Associate to Bachelor’s Degree? The minimum entry level to a respiratory therapy profession is an associate degree. However, this has raised concerns as to whether professionals with associate degrees deliver quality services to patients. The same concern has raised questions as to whether the minimum entry level should be changed from an associate degree to a bachelor degree. Answering the question requires a research on the topic to determine the current status of the workforce, advantages and disadvantages of an advanced degree, and the overall impact on the workforce. An associate degree provides the necessary knowledge for respiratory care delivery which is in contrary to bachelor’s degree that allows the respiratory therapist greater financial stability, opportunities for career advancement, academic achievements, and medical competence. Advanced Degree Achievement in RT and the Current Status of the Workforce The minimum qualification for a career in respiratory therapy was initially an associate degree. On 5th of January 2016, the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) revised its position statement which requires every program that applies for accreditation to award at least a baccalaureate degree upon students’ completion of the degree and programmatic requirements. The emphasis of this position statement is to allow the AARC to continue with the accreditation of existing associate degree programs which meets the standards of the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). As a result, educational programs and the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) have called for higher educational standards to improve the quality of services offered to patients and to retain the profession (‘’Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care,’’ 2019). The minimum requirement of an associate degree lowers the safety and effectiveness of patient care as there are new illnesses which are emerging and needs greater levels of knowledge regarding the illnesses to develop a better and effective treatment approach. The increase in the quality of medical services and an effective treatment approach require improved knowledge and skills which can only be achieved through additional avenues of professional growth (Zimmerman, Woolf & Haley, N.d). At this time, Respiratory Therapists (RTs) remain at the same level after obtaining employment with the minimum requirement of an associate degree. In response to the increased demand for quality healthcare, the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) works to ensures quality educational programs which will guarantee competent respiratory therapists (McHenry, 2017). Qualified individuals should be able to conduct enough research and provide quality services to patients. The CoARC has developed accredited programs which prepare students to effectively complete the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) examinations. The CoA...
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