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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
2 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Ionizing Radiation On Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

Research Paper Instructions:

Write a course reflection that includes the following:
Prepare a 700 - to 1,050-word paper in which you analyze the effects of ionizing radiation on deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to provide a chemical reason as to why this might cause cancer. In your paper, include the following items:
Analyze the chemistry of DNA.
Describe alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.
Explain the effects of radiation on DNA.
Describe how the changes in DNA can become cancerous.
Format your paper must be consistent with APA guidelines. 5 Paragraph method must be used. Use the Example APA paper for guidelines in the Center of Writing Excellence. Your turned in file must be a Word document. The file name should be Week 7 - DNA - Your name.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Deoxyribonucleic Acid
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Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells as well as viral cells exhibit an organic chemical that is known to code for important genetic information hence facilitate to the transmission of particular traits to subsequent generations. This chemical of complex molecular configuration is referred to as deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA. This structure sees its first isolation dating back in 1869 by a scientist named Friedrich Miescher (Jackson, 2002). Further studies followed fruiting to the identification of its molecular structure. Researchers have hitherto revealed bunches of vital information relating to DNA. Manipulation of DNA structure has been found to cause certain adverse effects on individual organisms. Ionizing radiations for instance have been found to alter the DNA structure yielding undesirable results.
The Chemistry of DNA
Considering eukaryotic cells, the category where human cells fall, the DNA polymer has two strands spirally wound around each other forming a helical shape. Every strand is made up of monomer nucleotides that are recurrent all along the length of the strand. Basically, the DNA backbone is made of phosphate and pentose sugar residues that alternate repeatedly. According to Jackson (2002), a phosphate group is attached to a sugar molecule on the 5’ (five prime) carbon. To come up with a nucleotide, an organic base, any of the four known bases; Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine and Guanine) is added to the backbone of the DNA.
Describe alpha, beta and gamma radiation.
Ionizing radiations will alter the chemical configuration of a DNA molecule. Such radiations may take the form of alpha, beta or gamma radiations, resulting from instability of atoms due to excess energy and/or energy. To stabilize, these atoms emit the excess energy or mass in the form of radiations (The National Academies Press, 2006). Thus, depending on the type of particle emitted, we, have the three different types of radiations; alpha, beta and gamma.
Alpha radiation is as a result of emission of an alpha particle. In the event of an atom undergoing radioactive decay releasing an alpha particle, the resultant element is potent to cause cell damage once it gets into the organ system. The alpha radiation may not penetrate the outer dead skin but once ingested or inhaled it becomes hazardous.
Beta radiation is effective when an electron or positron form of a particle is emitted from an atom. Due to the smaller mass exhibited by the beta particle, it is able to travel further in air and once inhaled or ingested in accompaniment of meals, becomes a threat to health (The National Academies Press, 2006). It is also able to penetrate the skin to a considerable depth p...
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