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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 11.66

Integrating Patient Participation in Healthcare

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Nursing: Integrating Patient Participation in Healthcare Although standard guidelines and practices exist, experience has demonstrated the importance of incorporating patients in the decision-making process of their care. Even Kon et al. (2016) underscore the contribution that this aspect induces to the healthcare practice leading to compliance and seamless relationship during and after the care process. As a result, this understanding has enabled me to establish professional and constructive bonds with my patients during my practice. In my last encounter with a patient, I realized the importance of incorporating patients’ preferences and values in their treatment plan. This patient presented to the facility with diverse symptoms, including fatigue, hands and feet tingling, frequent urination, and increased thirst. Laboratory diagnosis confirmed prediabetes. I discussed these results with the patient and provided sufficient information about her capacity to prevent progression from type 2 diabetes. I also asked about her contributions to modifying her lifestyle to achieve the projected goals. Like Hoffman et al.’s (2014) argument that evidence-based practice should start and end with the patient, this interaction enabled me to assist her in planning the treatment plan. She highlighted the dietary diversity in her exposure and amenities she can exploit to rejuvenate her physical activities at home and work. This collaboration led to a comprehensive plan that fits the patient’s schedule and within her financial capability. She left the facility optimistic and satisfied. Incorporating the patient’s values and preferences significantly impacts the situation’s trajectory. For instance, the collaborative approach informed the clinical intervention that considers the patient’s capabilities and resources at her disposal. Kon et al. (2016) indicate that involving the patient boosts their probability of judiciously complying with a treatment plan since they own it. In this context, the patient appeared optimistic and determined to achieve the jointly set objectives. Considering that the shared decision-making process improved the quality of recommendations, projections illustrated that the client would gradually improve her objective data within her next visit to the facility (...
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