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Incorporating Technology in Community-Based Learning

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Incorporating Technology in Community-Based Learning
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Incorporating Technology in Community-Based Learning
Breastfeeding is vital for the healthy development of the baby. A key health problem in West Virginia is low breastfeeding rates. According to 2016 data by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (n.d.), the state had the breastfeeding rates of 35.8%, which is significantly lower than the national average that stands at 51.8%. The rates in the state are the lowest in the country. The community, in this case, therefore, is made up of expectant mothers and new mothers in West Virginia. The social media platform Facebook can foster learning among expectant and new mothers in West Virginia to improve breastfeeding rates.
It is essential that expectant and new mothers in West Virginia are informed about the significance of breastfeeding to the health of the baby. As described above, the state ranks lowest in breastfeeding rates in the country. There exist a learning need that must be fulfilled to ensure the healthy development of babies in the state.
Given this information, I am in a position to describe how I would construct a PowerPoint presentation to explain the learning needs of the community as well as the technology that can address the situation. After opening the PowerPoint application and selecting an appropriate theme, I would title it “Improving Breastfeeding Rates in West Virginia Using Facebook.” I would go ahead to introduce the problem with relevant statistics from the CDC as described above. Given the statistics and the benefits of breastfeeding to babies, I would explain why expectant and new mothers in West Virginia need to be informed about the benefits breastfeeding has on the baby. I would cite in the content slides relevant sources that explain the significance of breastfeeding for babies. One such source is an article by Binns, Lee, and Low (2016), which points out that breastfeeding reduces chronic diseases such as ...
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