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9 pages/β‰ˆ2475 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 46.66

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Access and Disclosure of Health Information

Research Paper Instructions:

Research Paper Instructions
Here is the Research Paper topic:
The Impacts of COVID-19 on access and disclosure of health information.
An article on this subject has been provided.
Select one theme from the four themes listed below.
1. If the nation faces another lockdown or future pandemic, how can the organizations be better prepared? Are there further issues that need to be addressed?
2. Should healthcare organizations go back to the way of doing business post-COVID? If not, what permanent measures need to be adopted?
3. Remaining HIPAA compliant, how can healthcare organizations better screen for authentication of the requester's identity in a completely virtual world?
4. In the case of a cybersecurity attack, what processes do HIM and IT need to work together to assure a rapid shutdown and backup plan?
Steps to follow:
1. Read the provided article.
2. Select one theme from the four provided.
3. When doing your research, focus on the legal aspects related to your theme. References should be selected with the legal issues in mind. At least one of the references must be a current legal case.
4. Select references. There are two phases to selecting references. The first assignment is picking 7 to 8 references. The second assignment is narrowing that list down to a final 3 to 4 references that you will use.
5. Write your research paper.
Please read the following directions carefully.
This is a descriptive ESSAY. This means you will describe the current state of the law as it relates to your topic, or the expected state of the law if you are researching pending laws or regulations. You should NOT ARGUE your personal position on your topic in the body of the research paper. You can state your opinion in the conclusion, however. Do not forget that a good descriptive essay must discuss the complete range of different points of view on your topic. A great essay will turn those ideas opposite of your stance in your favor when you reach your final conclusion. DO NOT prepare 3 pages telling me “what” your topic is. For example, proposed regulatory changes to HIPPAA, you should not spend three pages explaining what HIPPAA is or what it does. You can introduce this in one or (at most) two paragraphs. Your paper should not read like a Wikipedia page!! I expect you to introduce your readers to your topic and proceed to deliver your understanding of the current status of the law on your topic. Also, your topic should be broad enough that you can find sources, but should be narrow enough that you are not condensing information that is available in an existing article.
1. Length - NO LESS THAN 7 PAGES (not including title page and reference page) this means at the MINIMUM you will turn in 9 pages!
2. Format - Your ENTIRE paper, including bibliography and title page should be in APA 6th Edition format. If you are not familiar with writing a paper in this format, you can find all the information you need through several websites, and through resources at the LTC Library.
3. Research - Your paper must reference at LEAST 3 different sources (not including the provided article), including at least 1 internet site, and 2 professional journal articles. All references must be as current as possible.
a. When using the Internet for research, use RELIABLE websites! Make sure your website has an extension like .edu, .org, or .gov. These are indicators of a professional website. You will find the most accurate, reliable information from these sites, not opinion. Did you know that Wikipedia pages can be edited by ANYONE, even you? Never EVER use Wikipedia as a source for research when preparing ANY paper. The information contained on Wikipedia is subject to being extremely incorrect.
b. Use a BOOK that concerns your topic. Do NOT give me Webster’s Dictionary as a book source for defining your topic. If you use a book as a reference, it should be on HIMT or the law. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other general references are not legitimate sources for this assignment.
c. Journal articles can be found using a database such as the one offered here at Lanier Technical College. If you are unfamiliar with using this database, the library will be happy to assist you. Articles should be from academic journals or law reviews.
4. The paper should demonstrate one’s ability to communicate effectively in written form; specifically, this includes vocabulary appropriate to the topic, tone, clarity of expression, correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. You should be mindful of other rules that apply to writing a professional paper, including; not speaking in the first person (I, me, etc.) and not using contractions (can’t, won’t, shouldn’t). Do not include personal stories or opinions in the body of your paper. Save that for your conclusion, if used at all.
5. Students are expected to create, write, edit, format, and submit their own paper. This is the area where a lot of students will run into problems with their originality score. You CANNOT copy the majority of your paper from other sources. You MUST write this paper in your OWN words and insert quotations, paraphrases, etc. from your research where appropriate to your topic of discussion as it relates to backing up your argument. Sometimes the nature of the referenced information will need to remain directly quoted to make sense. However, when and as often as possible, you should take the information you get from your research and “paraphrase” it, or put it in your own words
Do not copy directly from the Internet or a book.
If you are unsure of the policies regarding plagiarism, refer to the student handbook or college catalog.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

The Impacts of Covid-19 on Access and Disclosure of Health Information
Students Name
University Affiliation
The Impacts of Covid-19 on Access and Disclosure of Health Information
Theme: If the nation faces another lockdown or future pandemic, how can the organizations be better prepared? Are there further issues that need to be addressed?
Since the overwhelming majority of hospitals were uninformed and unprepared for such an emergency, the sudden onset of the COVID 19 pandemic significantly hampered their ability to perform. Lack of resources and a strategy for emergency preparedness in reaction to the COVID 19 pandemic crisis has been highlighted as the issue at the clinical practice location. In general, a pandemic crisis is described as the dynamic spread of a virus through human contact across nations (Griffin et a., 2020). Observations made on the ground show that skilled care institutions lack a pandemic management plan and a strategy for handling life-or-death emergencies. The unregulated patient admission and treatment processes, as well as the discrepancies in care delivery, were caused by a lack of policy. Due to the disorganized facilities and insufficient action plan, a large number of patients were also unable to receive the essential care. It is crucial to start by evaluating the facilities of emergency and training personnel on how to handle and manage a crisis since nurses are required to handle the pandemic crisis.
How Healthcare Organizations can be Better Preprepared for a Future Pandemic.
* Strengthening Manufacturing
COVID-19 and other previous pandemics have demonstrated that the concept of charity vaccine transfers from wealthy nations is ineffective. Due to the fact that high-income nations have access to the majority of the supply while low-income nations receive relatively little, there is vaccination inequality. The vulnerability of vaccine manufacturing was exposed by COVID-19. It is necessary to waive intellectual property rights, establish factories, and educate workers for them—often in low-resource environments—in order to increase local manufacturing capability. Due to the private sector's involvement in vaccine development, manufacturing, and distribution, it is essential that governments and the business sector work together on this.
* Preparing Vaccines for Rapid Production
Being vaccinated is crucial to preventing viral pandemics. Its crucially important that governments embark on preparing vaccines as they prepare for a future pandemic. Having enough supply will ensure that they can be able to meet the demand as it arises. In order to stimulate a widespread immune response, universal vaccinations that combine flu strains are currently undergoing clinical testing. Scientists are developing plug-and-play technical platforms, such as mRNA technology or viral vectors, that may be swiftly adjusted to address a specific new hazard in order to defend against risks that we are unaware of prior to an epidemic.
* Inclusion of Modern Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in Monitoring Pandemics
A future pandemic might be fought using a variety of measures. In order to track and promptly report a pandemic spread, worldwide h...
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