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7 pages/≈1925 words
5 Sources
Communications & Media
Research Paper
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How the Internet Changes Modern Culture. Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

Two of the five sources may be web-based. The remaining three required sources
must be books and/or legitimate articles from scholarly magazines and journals.
These may be electronic but not web-based sources that can be found through the
library's searchable electronic data-base. APA style format , double spaces,
New Times Roman 1.25 inch margin.
must include a bibliography with all of your references.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

How the Internet Changes Modern Culture
Institutional Affiliation
How the Internet Changes Modern Culture
Culture is simply the way of a people’s life which is how people generally go about their daily lives in a particular time period. The present culture cannot be described without talking about technology and how adversely it has distinguished this time period from any era that has existed before. The internet is a major product of our advanced technology and it has made the world a global village ("Internet and Culture," 2017).The global unity that the internet has created is what has resulted into a culture. The impacts of the internet on modern culture alone are very adverse such that these effects can be considered on their own as a culture. Some of the various ways in which the internet has changed modern culture are discussed below.
The mode of communication in the modern era has significantly changed due to the use of the internet. Currently, people rely on the internet to interact with one another for social or business reasons. Social media has been used as a platform to connect people worldwide. In this day and age, people assume that everyone must have at least an account in any social media platform since they are so engrossed into the culture (Fuchs, 2007). When people exchange their personal details nowadays, they include their internet contact information such as mail addresses, social media account names like Facebook names and twitter account names to facilitate communication. Conventional modes of communication such as face to face, verbal communication, and letter writing have been overtaken by the internet alternative channels such as video chatting, texting, and voice calling on mobile application such as WhatsApp and Telegram.
The process of passing information by the media through the internet has dominated over the classic newspaper means of communication. It is nowadays easier and quicker to get instant breaking news from media stations via the internet (Fuchs, 2007).  This reliable and efficient means of news dissemination has been embraced globally with every country relying heavily on the internet as a source of news. The trending news on social media platforms sparks conversational topics in different parts of the world hence creating global awareness on sensitive issues.
The internet has also facilitated dating in the modern era by providing avenues where people meet online and begin to socialize. Unlike in the olden days where dating and courting was done face to face, the internet has enabled socialization to be done behind phones and computers. Dating sites have enabled people to meet their spouses online and start families. Based on someone’s profile dating sites have enabled compatible partners to meet and get involved. The internet has also extended the dating sphere to extend past country borders to international borders (Porter, 2013). Couples have narrated how the internet brought them together by minimizing the geographical boundaries that held them apart. This culture of online dating is growing culture that has potential of bridging many cultural differences to two soul mates together.
The culture of education has gradually moved from the inf...
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