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2 pages/≈550 words
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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Waterbury Hospital vs. Value Care Alliance and Griffin Hospital

Research Paper Instructions:

This article requires APA style, APA style needs to have a name page, an introduction page, and a reference page, so the article should have a total of 5 pages, namely the name page, the introduction page, the 2 page body and the 1 page reference page, the article Need to write according to the information provided by me, the system check rate cannot be higher than 10, the article has no opportunity to modify, so I hope the author can do it seriously. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you

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Waterbury Hospital
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With several American hospitals poised to join large and more powerful chains, a group of six medical centers has announced to expand their network of ambulance services(Asad, 2012). The first core competitor for Waterbury Hospital is the Value Care Alliance, which intends to provide baby boomers with the fastest and safest ambulance services in the coming months. Waterbury Hospital’s second competitor is Griffin Hospital of Derby, which is one of the most renewed medical centers of the United States. It aims to increase the number of its ambulances and to expand the routes to nearby villages and cities by establishing emergency centers in almost every area. I have selected the Value Care Alliance and Griffin Hospital because they are among the best medical centers of the country.
According to Porter's Five Forces Framework, it is possible to determine how competitive an industry is by looking at the threat of new entrants, the threat of substitutes, bargaining power of customers, bargaining power of suppliers and competitive rivalry (Asad, 2012).
1 The threats of new entrants -- In order to stay in the competition, Waterbury Hospital will have to attract new and new customers and must deal with existing barriers to entry perfectly and efficiently.
2 The threat of substitutes -- A substitute product uses a whole new technology for solving the same economic problem. In the case of Waterbury Hospital, the management should address all the issues of substitutes while providing patients with the best treatment facilities.
3 Bargaining power of customers -- There is a strong need to give patients and their families with the power to bargain, even when they want to put Waterbury Hospital under pressure because of its expensive treatment options.
4 Bargaining power of the suppliers -- The bargaining power of s...
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