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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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Impact of Innovation and Advanced Marketing on Consumer Behavior

Research Paper Instructions:

An essential skill, whether you enter the field of consumer behavior or a related discipline, is to be able to summarize and evaluate empirical research. Empirical research refers to research articles that present novel research findings (as opposed to providing an opinion or review).
For this assignment, you will need to: find five empirical research articles related to your selected topic, read and summarize the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions, and provide a critical analysis of each article and its relation to your topic.
STEP#1: Finding an article
You must find EMPIRICAL (research) articles related to your selected topic. The articles must be relevant to the consumer behavior theories discussed. You should choose 5 articles published within the last ten years from one or more of the following journals:
● Journal of Business Research
● Journal of Marketing
● Journal of Consumer Research
● Journal of the Academy of Marketing Research
● Journal of Marketing Research
● Journal of Retailing
● Psychology and Marketing
● Journal of Consumer Psychology
● Journal of Consumer Marketing
You have access to these journals through the University of Toronto Library
STEP#2: Reading your articles
In this step, I would recommend you select the articles based on what is summarized in the abstract and if you find it interesting and relevant then continue reading and choose to be one of your 5 articles.
STEP#3: Writing your summary and analysis
Your summary and analysis should not exceed 5 pages, double-spaced, in 12pt. Times New Roman font. Your cover page should include your full first and last name, and your topic/theory. Your paper should then include the following information:
● Summary: What theoretical idea(s) or research questions inspired the study? What methods were used to investigate the topic? What were the most notable results? What implications do the results have for real life and/or for future research?
● Analysis: How do these findings relate to your topic? How does this research help understand your topic better? What were the main strengths of the article? What were the main weaknesses of the article? What were the limitations of the methods used? What interpretations did the authors make that you think are in error, unjustified, or overstated? What lingering questions do you have?
APA format is expected. You do not need any additional citations for the assignment but chosen articles' bibliography is expected. Upload your assignment in Word or PDF online via Quercus. The grading rubric for this assignment is below.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Innovation and Advanced Marketing on Consumer Behavior
Author's Name
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Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Impact of Innovation and Advanced Marketing on Consumer Behavior
Innovation and advanced marketing have significantly impacted consumer behavior in recent years. With the advancement of technology and the increasing availability of information, consumers have become more informed, empowered, and demanding than ever before. As a result, businesses have had to innovate and evolve their marketing strategies to keep up with changing consumer behavior.
Article 1. The study addresses the research question of how sharing fosters feelings of possession and drives continued use. The most notable results of the study were that sharing significantly increased feelings of psychological ownership, which in turn drove continued use of sharing services. Moreover, the effect of psychological ownership on continued use was more substantial than the effect of satisfaction, suggesting that feelings of possession are a more powerful motivator for continued use of sharing services (Lamberton & Goldsmith, 2021). For consumers, the findings suggest that sharing can lead to feelings of ownership and attachment, which may, in turn, influence their future behavior.
Article 2. The study addresses the research question of how social identity influences the preference for sustainable products. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of 89 studies on sustainable consumption behavior. The studies used various methods, including surveys, experiments, and observational studies, to assess the impact of social identity on the preference for sustainable products (Keller, 2019). The most notable results of the study were that social identity was a significant predictor of the importance of sustainable products. The effect was most substantial for those who identified strongly with a group that valued sustainability, such as environmentalists or supporters of fair trade. The study has important implications for marketers. For marketers, the findings suggest that emphasizing the sustainable credentials of products may be particularly effective for those who identify strongly with sustainability.
Article 3. The study investigates the relationship between brand attitude and brand loyalty and the moderating effect of consumer innovativeness on this relationship. The study used a survey method to collect data from 364 consumers in the United States. The survey included measures of brand attitude, brand loyalty, and consumer innovativeness. The results showed that brand attitude positively affected brand loyalty and that consumer innovativeness moderated this effect (Bazi et al., 2023). The findings suggest that marketers should consider the role of consumer innovativeness when designing strategies to build brand loyalty. For example, targeting highly innovativeness consumers with marketing messages that highlight the unique features of a brand could be particularly effective in building brand loyalty.
Article 4. The study explores the role of nostalgia in luxury brand consumption. The authors were inspired by the idea that nostalgia, or th...
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