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2 pages/≈550 words
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Movie Review
English (U.S.)
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Rosie's Secret

Movie Review Instructions:

Assessment Questions
Question 1: How does "Rosie's Secret" construct a sense of verisimilitude (reality, truthfulness) and earn the viewer's trust? (4 marks)
Question 2: What message does "Rosie's Secret" convey about the capacity of film to discuss historical ideas? Based on your knowledge developed through this course, and using "Rosie's Secret" as evidence, is film a valid way to convey history? (6 marks)
Tips and Tricks
As you go about writing your submission please bear the following in mind:
Write in full sentences not dot points, which is ironic considering this is a dot point! Writing in full sentences and paragraphs is a marker of formal writing, which is our aim
Avoid using the first person. For example, instead of saying "I think", perhaps "The film suggests"
Provide evidence from the "Rosie's Secret" to support your answers.
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Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
Rosie’s Secret
Question 1
Rosie’s Secret is a fascinating fictional story that centers on one of the forgotten heroes in Australian history. It is the story of Rosie Foster that aims to showcase her as a hero and the first individual to open the Sydney Harbor Bridge in 1932. Rosie was the secretary to the Minister of Public Works. She opened the bridge as a way of recognizing the workers who had assisted in the construction of the bridge (Matthews). The film interrogates the concerns through a close investigation of the events that led to the opening of the Harbor Bridge.
As deduced from the film, individuals decipher a different story from that propagated by historians. Therefore, there is a quest to construct a new version of the truth against what has been propagated by historians for a long time. In the normal interpretations of Australian history, it is believed that F.E. de Groot was the person who opened the bridge. The film also utilizes provocative inquiries that redefines history. Through the different questions posed, the film constructs a sense of verisimilitude by highlighting essential issues such as the process of recording history and the purpose of telling history (Matthews).
In this regard, Rosie’s Secret manages to construct a sense of reality and truthfulness by centering on issues of historical accuracy and reliability of history sources. Through these aspects, the film also highlights how individuals can manipulate history and create diverse versions of events in order to support their own ends. The verifiability of historical records can be based on the accounts of historians and other people who witnessed the events. The verity ...
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