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Impact of Sugar Concentration on the Refractive Index of Water

Lab Report Instructions:

It would be much better if the writer have worked on an IB Assignment before
Refractive Index and Concentration: How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?
A mirage is a naturally occurring optical phenomenon in which light rays bend to produce a displaced image of distant objects or the sky.
It is a result of the different densities of air above the surface caused by heating (as above).
However a similar effect can be seen when you shine a laser into a tank containing concentrated sugar solution on to which a layer of water has been gently poured; the light bends down towards the more concentrated region.
Extended Essay: Vary the concentration of solute.
An extended essay in physics provides a candidate with an opportunity to apply a range of skills while researching a topic of personal interest in the field of physics. The physical nature of an extended essay is characterized by a particular physical emphasis within a more general set of scientific criteria. The extended essay in physics must be a research paper involving an hypothesis or a model, or a critical analysis which demonstrates argumentation, comparison, or the extraction of relevant information or data. (Source: Physics IB extended Essay, 1998)
There are 5 types of essays
Experimental: design and implementation of an experiment, then personal collection and analysis of the data.
Data-based: location and extraction of raw or processed data, not collected directly by the student, which is then further refined and analysed.
Theoretical: development of a quantitative or semi-quantitative description of some physical phenomenon, exercise of the model, predictions about its behaviour and limitations.
Survey: formulation of a cohesive, ordered, analytical and supported (qualitative and quantitative) discussion of the topic.
Combination: some combination of the approaches listed above.

Lab Report Sample Content Preview:

Impact of Sugar Concentration on the Refractive Index of Water
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
 Table of Contents
Abstract 3
1.0 Introduction 4
1.1. Background 4
1.2 Purpose of the Study 5
1.3 Aims and Objectives 5
2.0 Literature Review 6
2.1 Theory of Evaluating the Refractive Index of Salt 9
3.0 Methods 12
3.1 Apparatus 12
3.3 Principle of Operation 14
3.3.1 Calculation 14
4.0 Results and discussion 16
4.1 Result of the Sugar Solution 16
4.2 Explaining the Reduction in the Refractive Index 18
4.3 Practicability of the Findings 18
4.4 Challenges 19
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 20
References 22
Refractive index is a crucial optical property of any medium. It is plays a crucial role in different fields and applications of material science, playing a special role in fiber optics and the film technology. Similarly, the measurement of refractive index has been broadly applied in analytical chemistry in determining the concentration of different solutions. The experiment in this case was carried out to establish how the changes in a solution’s level of concentration impact its refractive index. A solution that was highly concentrated was prepared, with the sugar solution concentration being 60%. The refractive index was then measured before the concentration was lowered by 3% in the sugar solution. The refractive index was again measured with the new sugar concentration. The procedures were repeated continuously, reducing the level of concentration of sugar in the solution and then measuring the new refractive index. This was repeated several times until the required refractive index value was obtained when the sugar concentration in the solution was 3%. It was established that reducing the level of sugar concentration results in the refractive index reducing correspondingly. The same is true for other solutions; decrease in the concentration of the solute results in an equivalent decrease in the refractive index.
1.0 Introduction
1.1. Background 
I have taken a course in Physics for several years in college now. I have grown interest in different concepts about Physics, with refraction being one of them. I have always wondered how the refractive index is influenced by different concentrations and how sugar or salt could influence the refractive index. As such, I find this experiment highly applicable to my case as it solves personal questions. 
Refractive index is a crucial optical property of any medium. It is plays a crucial role in different fields and applications of material science, playing a special role in fiber optics and the film technology. Similarly, the measurement of refractive index has been broadly applied in analytical chemistry in determining the concentration of different solutions. Different researchers such as Tran, Sahoo, Wang, and Dang (2020) have provide literature on how measuring the refractive index of a certain liquid is used to map the concentration of the liqu...
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