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Kelly Richardt’s Night Moves

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The way the external sources are used in the proposal creates the impression that they are directly commenting on Night Moves, which is not the case. It should be made clear that the purpose of citing those sources is to draw a comparison between the films they analyze and the film selected for this paper.
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Kelly Richardt’s Night Moves
Understanding the relationship between a film’s form and context is essential for any viewer. It allows him to have a deeper appreciation of all the circumstances present in making the film, such as the creator’s intent, the social circumstances surrounding the film, and the artistic expression utilized to direct the creator’s message. In this paper, the emphasis is put on the analysis of the 2013 film by Kelly Richardt entitled Night Moves. This film focuses on the narrative of two “ecological activists” who planned on using eco-terrorism to realize their political ideals. This is enticing for two reasons. Primarily, it uses a form that increases emotional appeal upon the audience. Additionally, it sufficiently depicts humans’ destructive nature, whether against the environment or one another. On the one hand, the film’s form focuses on the use of a topical-thriller genre, which creates a stronger emotional impact on its viewers. Although this is not surprising for most movies, its use to develop a point and create an impression on the hearts of its audience is worth exploring (Castille). On the other hand, it could also be seen that the context of the film revolves around the destructive nature of humans. In this film, such nature is emphasized as it shows how people tend to resort to violence when all conventional methods such as bureaucracy fail. Combining both of the form and context, the choice for this film is based on its exhilarating use of the topical thriller format to increase the ‘retention’ of the director’s political ideals as emanating from the result of a stronger emotional appeal.
Context is a vital element in the understanding of Night Moves. The story unfolds in the Pacific Northwest, a location in which the writer has had a fond link with nature. The chosen location is where an ongoing debate over environmental preservation has played out in both local law and national politics (Hachard). Choosing this context is intentional and bound to trigger emotional responses both from the film and critics. In Night Moves, Josh is the spokesman for the radical wing of the environmental movement linked with “earth first” notions. Richardt employs Josh’s character to showcase an angry but toneless voice on the ticking time bomb of industrialization. Josh and his friend Dena are concerned about the steady but consistent destruction of the environment. The context is amplified with the imagery of a world slipping from serenity anchored in nature to modernism that is clouded with an overreliance on technology. The killing of salmons to fuel the new technologies and the building of golf courses all over the high desert are just a few instances of how the world is revitalizing its ideals. In the same context, Josh, as the spokesman, feels like something radical should be conducted to revert the status quo. In his understanding, the protests have not delivered any helpful outcomes. The contextual attachment that Richardt embeds on Josh sets activities throughout the plot.
Richardt relies on exhilarating use of the topical Charles 2 thriller contextual elements to deliver her in...
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