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Controversy on Racism and Sexism: Analysis

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The final paper, which is a 5-page paper on any controversial topic.
It can be any topic, for example: Stop Asian Hate, Japan dump nuclear water into the ocean. DO NOT write Black lives matter

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Stop Asian Hate
The new, popular social media hashtag advocating for eradicating Asian hate has taken the world by storm. It has been characterized by the surge in Asian abuse since the pandemic a year ago. Asian Americans make up a significant portion United States. These special populations also remain to be the most vulnerable to some risks and issues. Being Asian among the American population is surrounded by several conditions. Several governments and private research programs have, however, selectively focused on specific aspects of Asian hate. However, there are new challenges that are impacting this group every day. While it is approximated that 3800 incidences of racist violence were reported in 2019. The pandemic has shown the light on the longstanding injustices for the people of Asian descent. Advocates and activists argue that most hate crimes are racially motivated and are characterized by the widespread notion that Asian people are to blame for the spread of COVID-19. However, there is contradicting and limited literature on why most hate crimes are perpetuated among the women and older generation. As a result, this has elicited many mixed reactions from citizen's top-tier policy makers, Government officials. This paper aims to explore the controversy surrounding the growth and evolution of the Stop Asian Hate Movement in the United States.
Controversy on Racism and Sexism
Research has revealed that there has been a drastic rise in the number of Asian hate crime incidents nationwide over the past year. 50% of these incidences are shunning, physical attacks, shunning, public shaming, and emotional abuse. Out of this, a significant percentage of this hate was subjected to women. New data released by the Stop Asian Hate Forum shows that people of Asian descent reported more than 3,800 incidents over the past year amidst the ongoing pandemic, a slightly higher figure than previous years CITATION Yam21 \l 1033 (Kimmy, 2021). Figures from the Stop Asian Hate forum on hate crime incidences against people of American descent significantly differ for both men and women over five months. The has been attributed to the development and growth of the intersectional dynamic of gender and racism. However, women were the most vulnerable and exposed to this form of abuse. Based on the statistics, women made a far higher share of the reports at 68%, while men trail by 29% of Asian Hate crimes reported to the police department. As a result, the leading cause of the growing vice that has drastically affected the Asian community has become controversial. Advocates argue that Asian hate is a conjoined form of abuse that spans over the intersectionality of racism and sexism, ingrained on stereotypes that Asian women are quiet and submissive to outrageous behaviors of the patriarchal structures. According to the advocates, these are the core elements that build on the growing disparity. As a result, this limits the potential to formulate effective policies to eradicate racism and sexism in the community CITATION Yam21 \l 1033 (Kimmy, 2021).
The intersectional dynamic of sexism and racism as the critical element contributing to the increase of Asian hate exacerbates ...
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