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American Governmental studies History Essay Research

Essay Instructions:

Write a structured essay with a clear thesis; back arguments and claims with evidence and examples; actively integrate, define, and explain course terms where appropriate, etc. Remember, take this chance to show what you have learned! no citation page needed or intext citation
The pandemic plunged the US economy into a sudden economic recession in February. Congress responded with one round of stimulus checks for citizens and are discussing a second. Are providing citizens a stimulus check fiscal or monetary policy, Keynesianism or supply-side economics? Define these 4 terms. Then, assume the role of economic advisor to Congress and the president. Should they use fiscal or monetary policy or both to bring the US economy out of the sudden recession? Keynesianism or supply-side economics? Use history and past economic policy to justify your argument. What are the consequences of your approach for the US, which currently has over a $26 trillion dollar deficit?
President Nixon famously claimed implementation is policy, which highlights the potential power of the bureaucracy. What are the 3 powers or functions of the bureaucracy in policy implementation? Explain each power and how it works? Use the example of OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Agency) and illustrate how each power can come into play in their enforcement of a safe work environment. Finally, if the powers of the bureaucracy needs to be reined in, explain how Congress, the presidency, and/or the judiciary can check the bureaucracy. Back your checks with examples from history and/or current practice.

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August 5, 2020
American Governmental Studies
The use of stimulus checks to bolster the economy is a common practice in the field of economics. It helps to improve the capacity of the people for spending and encourage the continuous flow of the economy for the benefit of the state. Accordingly, stimulus checks are a good example of a nation’s fiscal policy. This is because stimulus checks are a part of the policies designed to influence the economic conditions of the country with the help of additional funds that consumers can use for their own. In contrast, monetary policy is one that is usually initiated by a nation’s central bank to promote economic goals in line with the nation’s economic goals. Thus, stimulus checks fall under fiscal policies, since these affect the spending policies of the state.
Accordingly, the use of stimulus checks could also be viewed in line with the idea of Keynesian and supply-side economics. Since stimulus checks encourage a change (or growth) in terms of both demand and output with the help of additional funding, this can be viewed as a good example of the application of Keynesian economics. Comparably, supply-side economics focuses on the use of tax reduction or cuts to stimulate growth by increasing supply. Thus, the reason why stimulus checks fall under the Keynesian view is...
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