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The Analysis and Impact of Financialization in China

Essay Instructions:

The analyzed country in this topic should be China as much as possible, unless there is too little information about China or there are other countries that you are better at.
Also, you can choose your preferred topic from my uploaded files, but please let me know in advance.

International Political Economy: Theories and Issues

Answer one question only

1. ‘The failures of the WTO Doha Round AND preferential trade agreements such as TPP and TTIP are symptoms of hegemonic decline’.

Discuss. 2.

2.1 Do you agree that scholarly analysis of global value chains is central to the interrogation of ‘development’ opportunities in the Global South today? OR

2.2 ‘The exercise of global value chain platform leadership is central to the exercise of global hegemony’.

Discuss 3. What is financialisation and how has it impacted growth and income distribution in [advanced economies/developing countries/a country of your choice]?

4. Critically assess the potential for development, understood as a national and collective project of structural and social transformation, within globalizing capitalism. Use a country case study and/or regional comparison in your answer.

5. How can extractivism be used an organizing concept to critically evaluate dynamics of contemporary capitalism?

6. 6.1 What stands in the way of meaningfully addressing the global climate crisis? OR

6.2 From an IPE perspective critique the discourse of the Anthropocene

7. Critically assess why and how substantial differences in contemporary capitalisms persist despite common economic pressures.

8. 8.1 What has been the main cause of the Global Financial Crisis 2007-8? OR

8.2 What has been the main cause of the Euro crisis? OR

8.3 What has been the main cause of the East-Asian Financial Crisis?

9. Why has inequality risen in the past decades?

10.Critically evaluate the role that trade liberalisation has played in China’s economic growth in the last decades and whether it can be emulated by other developing countries today. 11.How has the production and appropriation of ‘

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The Analysis and Impact of Financialization in China
Financialization refers to the growing importance of financial markets, institutions, and motives in the economy. It has been a critical feature of economic development in many countries, both advanced and developing. This essay will define financialization and examine its impact on economic growth and income distribution in advanced economies and developing countries. In advanced economies, financialization has been associated with a shift in the focus of corporations from production to financial activities. Companies have increasingly focused on maximizing shareholder value through financial engineering, such as stock buybacks, mergers and acquisitions, and other financial instruments. This shift has led to the growth of the financial sector relative to the rest of the economy and the increased importance of finance in driving economic growth. In addition to the debt-fueled growth model, financialization has also contributed to rising income inequality in advanced economies. The growth of the financial sector has been associated with the rise of the financial elite, who have become increasingly wealthy and influential. This has led to a concentration of economic power in the hands of a few and a decline in the relative income of the middle class (Anonymous, 2016). Financialization has enabled foreign investors to invest in developing country markets through instruments such as bonds and equities. This has increased the flow of capital to developing countries and contributed to their economic growth. However, financialization has also had negative impacts on developing countries. One of the main impacts has been the creation of financial volatility and instability. Financialization has also contributed to rising income inequality in developing countries. A decline in the relative income of the middle class and a concentration of economic power in the hands of a few have often accompanied the growth of the financial sector. This has led to a situation where a small elite benefits from economic growth while most of the population remains impoverished.
The impact of financialization on the world economies, including China, has been significant. In the case of China, financialization has led to both positive and negative impacts. On the positive side, financialization has helped to support economic growth by providing funding for investment and encouraging the development of new financial instruments and markets. The development of a modern financial system has also helped to improve the efficiency of capital allocation and reduce the reliance on state-owned enterprises. However, there are also negative impacts associated with financialization in China. The most notable is the increasing level of debt, which has been driven by the rapid growth of the shadow banking sector and local government borrowing. This has created concerns about the sustainability of China’s economic growth and the potential for a financial crisis.
In addition, financialization has led to increasing income inequality as...
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