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9 pages/≈2475 words
5 Sources
Business & Marketing
English (U.K.)
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Robots Do Not Judge: Service Robots can Alleviate Embarrassment in Service Encounters

Essay Instructions:

Main Objective of the reassessment

• To synthesise and demonstrate an understanding of the content taught on the module. • To be able to review an academic article based on primary research and to be able to analyse and critically discuss its research aims and questions, application of research philosophy and theory, use of literature review, methodology, its presentation and analysis of data, its discussion and conclusion, and its overall managerial and research contribution. • To demonstrate a reading of the academic literature covered on this module. 

Description of the reassessment 

Choose a research based article from a 3* or 4* ABS ranked journal related to marketing and branding, and write a holistic review of the paper in an essay format  based on the content taught in this module that demonstrates an understanding of the research strategy of the article. This must include an outline of its research aims and questions, a discussion of its application of research philosophy and theory, a critical examination of the article’s use of its literature review throughout the paper, a thorough discussion and analysis of its methodology, an overview of its presentation and analysis of data, an analysis of its discussion and conclusion, and a critical evaluation of its research and managerial contributions. The review should provide a coherent analysis which is grounded and evidenced in the article with each of the above sections coherently fitting together. The coursework should also draw on the material taught on the module and use the textbook and the material from the supplementary reading for the module found in the Study Guide. A demonstration of an understanding of business, management, and marketing research is fundamental for a successful grade on this paper. Students are expected to use the textbook and ten other academic sources. At least four of these must be from the supplementary reading.  The report should be 2,500 words long. Students are allowed to exceed this by 10% (either below or above) but any writing above or below this limit will be penalised by 10% per 1000 words (or a fraction thereof for the first 1000 words).  The review must be written in an essay and not a report format but subheadings must be used. On no account should tables, numbers, or bullet points be used. Substantive and equal sized paragraphing should be used through the essay. It is recommended that two or three paragraphs (or thereabout) should be used on each page. The essay should be written in 12 pt. text in either Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman. It should be referenced throughout using either the APA or Harvard System. A bibliography must be provided at the end which will not be word counted. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Robots do not Judge: Service Robots can Alleviate Embarrassment in Service Encounters: Article Analysis
This essay aims to analyze the article titled above by Holthöwer and Van Doorn (2022), retrieved from the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. The research delves into the positive aspects of using robots in service areas generally perceived as containing elements of embarrassment for consumers. The analysis begins with the evaluation of the originality of the research and then sieges into the critical analysis of the theoretical and philosophical model. It is followed by a detailed discussion considering the methods and techniques employed by the researcher to carry out each of the following steps until the concluding part. The evaluation shows that the research offers a unique perspective by highlighting the importance of a context-oriented approach to considering the impact of robots on consumer behavior. However, the limitations and inconsistencies associated with the data collection and analysis methods affect the generalizability of findings to a certain extent.
Evaluation of Research Aim and Questions
The research aims, and questions are not included in the typical manner in the opening part of the study. However, from the discussion setting the context, it is evident that the research aims to investigate a boundary condition to the perception that consumers prefer humans over robots as service providers. The study draws on background information to evaluate the positive impact of using robots in place of humans when consumers find themselves in embarrassing situations. There are two hypotheses to guide the research. The first hypothesis indicates that consumers are likelier to prefer robots and accept offerings from robots than humans when encountering an embarrassing encounter. The second hypothesis highlights the role of a mediator, social judgment, as playing a key role in consumers' preference for robots over human service providers during embarrassing encounters (Holthöwer and Van Doorn, 2022). Hence, the purpose is to understand how consumers' social judgment about a situation being more or less embarrassing guides their preference for the service provider between humans and robots.
The study is significant for its novelty, originality, and timely contribution. To the end of novelty and originality, the study explores an under-researched area (Bell et al., 2019). The rationale is strongly underpinned by suggesting that the literature is replete with studies highlighting the negative impact of robots on consumer attitudes. In this way, the researchers have justifiably made their article stand apart by highlighting what they stated as a "boundary condition," which is of specific interest to managers in healthcare, hospitality, and other sectors with high prospects of embarrassing service encounters. The timeliness of the study is rooted in the rapid evolution of AI and its implications for today's business and marketing (Verma et al., 2021). Hence, the research suggests that despite a gen...
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