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Reading reflection. The Society and the Asians. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

Read this articles, and write a reflection. The reflection should connect to Asian racism. Use citation.
Then, find a visual picture that related to the writing. Give the citation and reference of articles and picture. Thanks.
- W. P. She Shall Not Be Moved
- Mothering Is Liberation: Giving Birth to Alagaan Pedagogy (Pedagogy of Care)
- Genevieve Erin O’Brien. “Resistance Is Not Futile: From #adjuncthustle to Hell Yeah!”​​
in Academia“.

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The Society and the Asians
44196008763000For centuries, there has already been a huge difference with the way women were viewed in comparison to men. Being a woman, even during these times where we are already modern, challenges the various parts of identity that we had already formed for ourselves. I am amazed with the perspectives that I have seen demonstrating what women experience in their day to day experience in the university.
Race and gender are sometimes causes of exclusion, and this unfortunately include our Asian women in the universities (Chou & Feagin, 2015).. In the reading materials it is evident how the voices of these women were seen as irrelevant. In the reading materials, the effect of society in building a culture of exclusivity and how this becomes a cycle penetrating the self-esteem, identity, and beliefs of the woman involved was discussed.. There were also instances where comments did not intend...
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