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Microblogging in Twitter

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Microblogging in Twitter
[date] Tweets
Pugs are one of the most vulnerable breeds to lung lobe torsion. It's a disorder in which a lung lobe is abnormal (Davies, Snead & Pharr, 2011). So, make sure to check on your pugs and their lovely lungs!
So, there is an assumption that pugs are not suitable for odor-detection tasks? But a study (Hall, Glenn, Smith, & Wynne, 2015) says otherwise! According to the research, the pugs even outperformed german shepherds!
243 of the 295 tested pugs have corneal pigmentation in at least one eye, based on a study (Labelle, Dresser, Hamor, et al., 2013). The eye condition affects the cornea where the light passes to enter the eye. Check on your little one's eye condition!
I've read in a book how self-aware pugs are relative to how their humans perceive and treat them (Palika, 2005). They just know they are the companion and that it reciprocates the love.
Studies (Hall, Glenn, Smith, & Wynne, 2015; Labelle, Dresser, Hamor, et al., 2013; Ryan, Quintana, Haar, & Decker, 2017) have confirmed the many conditions can occur in a pug's body structure. It may be because of their built, breed, or maybe their environment, including you, the owner. Make sure to keep an eye on your baby pugs' health conditions!
Hi! Please, regularly bring your pugs to the veterinary clinic. Every dog breed has health conditions to which they are prone. I hope you prevent your fur babies from any illness.
Pugs can be most vulnerable in their integumentary and digestive system (O'Neill, Darwent, Church, & Brodbelt, 2016). Their food intake may harm both systems. So, don't forget to check the compatibility of foods and products to your dog!
If you see a flat-faced, round-eye, small, wrinkled dog, that is definitely a PUG! Did I mention they are friendly? They might just let you rub their bellies!
A study (Tannen, 2010) shows that dogs can be mediators in the house between family conversations. You may want to consider pugs as your mediator dog! They're adorable and sociable pups!
Did you know that pugs are in some of Jane Austen's works? This breed commonly appears as the family dog in the narrative. Check out Austen's work!
Obesity is one of the common disorders among pugs (O'Neill, Darwent, Church, & Brodbelt, 2016). It may cause them another health issue if not taken care of. Don't overfeed your lovely pugs!
Pugs are really funny and innocent. Whatever they do, they are just lovable. And they're charming in their size! I hope I share the same feeling with some of you!
Pugs are therapy dogs, too! They also undergo training that will teach them how to be around people with health conditions or simply be a companion for anyone (Palika, 2005).
Necrotizing meningoencephalitis (NME) is one of the fatal diseases that can occur to your pug (Flegel et al., 2008). It damages the nervous system and can even lead to your pups' death.
Pugs are prone to head-to-neck health issues, too (O'Neill, Darwent, Church, & Brodbelt, 2016)! With their small body, a health condition may easily affect their everyday activity. Make sure to bring them for a regular checkup. Microblogging
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