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13 pages/≈3575 words
9 Sources
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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$ 46.8

Literature in English Language Teaching and the Challenges Encountered by EFL Learners

Essay Instructions:

An essay of 3,500 words, which comprises a critical justification and analysis of this lesson plan informed by the appropriate pedagogical literature.
You must document and present your work according to the MA Handbook section Producing Assessed Coursework, and you must ensure that you have sourced and acknowledged all secondary material used. Derivative work will be marked down, and plagiarized work will be dealt with according to the university’s Academic
Offences procedures.
For detailed instruction of doing the 3500 research essay, please see the attached file below.

Write a 3,500-word essay to discuss and justify your TLL lesson plan. The lesson plan itself should be presented as an Appendix (not contributing to word count). Lesson plans should refer to Aim(s) of a one hour lesson, stages and timings, activities and purpose of activity, with sample instructions or questions, anticipated problems or student difficulties predicted. You may want to indicate assumed knowledge or abilities of students or previous learning and activities. Suggest also what will follow on from your lesson in later lessons.  

    The essay should show reflection on and learning from the feedback on the presentation. The essay should state clearly what the lesson focuses on. The relation between this lesson and the relevant syllabus or course should be explained, providing such information as objectives and level of the course, content to be covered in the module, student profile, and contributions of this lesson to the teaching of that module. Also, the essay should show (1) your sound understanding of the relevant contents of ENGL4020, including (2) a good mastery of a language based approach to literature teaching for EFL learners. Please read the section on Marking Criteria for Essays and Written Work in Masters Student Handbook as guidelines for your writing.

Also, the following requirements need to be met by the essay:

(1)   Briefly summarise the contents of your sample text(s) or examples—either a short poem, story, or a passage from a novel, or a part of a drama text

(2)   Include a step-by-step stylistic analysis which has informed your lesson design.

(3)   Show clear linguistic evidence to support points made about stylistic effect and language learning affordances of your chosen text(s) or examples

(4)   Present your work in an appropriate terminological framework, using specialist terms for academic rigour

(5) Use authoritative, informative, up-to-date references 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading Literature: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Institutional Affiliation

Reading Literature: Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
This essay will describe and explain a one hour reading and comprehension lesson plan that is geared towards deepening and developing broad competence in reading literature among Asian students in an international school. The class of EFL learners is mainly composed of students between the ages of 13 and 14 with speaking and listening skills that are slightly below those of their UK counterparts in year 8 of the UK national curriculum. All students aren’t native speakers of English as the institution’s language of instruction but are required to acquire a strong command of the language before they can attain the proficiency levels required to succeed in a British educational environment. The course is intended to improve learners’ ability to construct meaning from written text in a comprehensive manner by activating prior knowledge, enhancing the student’s understanding of the language used in the text, and increasing awareness of the context in which the text is read. It is hoped that the reading literature lesson will increase students’ competency in facing various literary genres in terms of ability to read fluently, comprehend the text in an effective manner, and apply the implications of the text in a meaningful manner.
The text chosen for the proposed lesson is Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which is widely regarded as a suitable addition to a junior high class in British literature. The novella provides an intriguing plot about the wildly contradictory behavior of Dr. Jekyll from the perspective of Mr. Hyde, to illustrate the interplay of good and evil. It also contains graceful writing, intense characters, and deals with important themes in a stimulating and relevant manner. Students are introduced to the strange case of Jekyll and Hyde through the eyes of the good-natured Mr. Utterson who slowly reveals the relationship between the lawyer’s friend, Dr. Jekyll, and the hideous Mr. Hyde. The class is geared towards increasing students’ understanding of the novella and ability to engage with the various linguistic facets and themes presented in the text. The students’ linguistic capacities are developed enough to begin addressing literary aspects such as themes and ideas contained in the book.
Literature in English Language Teaching (ELT)
The role of literature in language instruction dates back to the Formalists and Structuralists era, when ELT was synonymous with the teaching of literature. During this period, before the world war, literature enjoyed a successful spell in schools and was considered a model of first-rate language application and a basis for moral instruction: literature was considered as a subject matter that should underpin the language syllabus. However, the end of the colonial period saw literature lose its special status and proponents of the Functional Approach argued for the removal of literature from ELT (Luukka, 2019:8-10). T...
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