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Fixed Mindset versus Growth Mindset. Effects of Different Mindsets

Essay Instructions:

Examine how learners develop one mindset versus the other, how each deal with difficult programs, and the effects of each mindset on learners. Determine which mindset will be most beneficial for you and others whom you will affect such as children and employees who may one day work for you.
Compare (show similarities), Contrast (show differences), Analyze (explain why one option is better than another given a particular set of circumstances). You can write about comparisons, contrasts, or some combination of the two. Research that is cited in-text and on a Works Cited page in correct, complete MLA format is required. A minimum of three sources from the Penn State library system is required. Use “Try These First” to identify sources.
After brainstorming, researching, and reviewing the assignment requirements, develop a thesis that argues in favor of one essay subject versus the other. Within the essay, provide research and analysis to support your thesis. Underline your thesis statement in your essay.
Thesis example: “Diet” sodas are not the panacea they were once believed to be. According to Health magazine’s newsletter, evidence links diet sodas to diabetes, headaches, and weight gain. Beverage alternatives that are much healthier than diet soda (or any kind of soda) include flavored water, green tea, juice mixed with seltzer, or soy or skim milk, lemonade, or good old-fashioned water.
Supporting Evidence:
Identify at least three points to compare for each subject. For example, if you are writing about diet soda, some points might be sugar content, calories, sodium content, chemicals or artificial ingredients, short term effects, long term effects, cost to health, cost in dollars, etc.
The essay can be organized on a point-by-point basis or on a subject-by-subject basis.
Use transitions at the beginning of each paragraph to guide your reader as you move from one paragraph to another.
Include at least one paragraph of analysis in your essay. Based on your research, which of the two subjects is better? Why is one subject better or more relevant or important? If you recommend one subject over the other, explain why.
All borrowed material must be cited in correct MLA format using both in-text and Works Cited citations.
Grading will be based on:
Depth of research/content/analysis
Credibility of sources used
Organization and use of transitions
Thoroughness of editing and proofreading
Attention to assignment directions
Use of MLA in-text and Works Cited citations for all borrowed material

Assignment 3Gender Trouble: Can We Do Anything About It?
Purpose: First, you will focus on independent research by learning how to choose viable topics. You will then learn how to identify reliable outside sources and how to use them effectively. Finally, you will perfect your analytical skills by evaluating and incorporating outside sources productively. This paper is worth 20% of your final grade.
Topic:Adolescence is a crucial period of development; during these transitional years  -- roughly between the ages of ten and nineteen -- children mature and grow as they struggle to establish their autonomy (independence from teachers and parents) and identity (sense of self). One of the many areas to develop during our childhood and adolescent years is our gender identity: our sense of self in relation to social expectations of us as men or women. Pressures to be pretty, tough, muscular, caring, verbally adept, adventurous, stylishly dressed, brave, gentle, ambitious, etc. are all tied to our gender. Actually, you can go back and write the gender associated with each one of the terms listed above to see how tightly related to gender these expectations are. In this essay you will explore these gender pressures faced by children or adolescent youth.
Writing Task:You will research a gender specific problem and write a problem-solution paper. For this paper, you will need to do research at several stages: to find a specific topic that interests you, to find out more about it, and to explain the causes and effects of a specific issue related to gender.
Step 1: Focus on one gender (men or women, boys or girls, heteronormative or LGTB youth) 
Step 2: Select one concrete and well-defined gender specific challenge* that your chosen gender faces (expectations of toughness, niceness, physical appearance, sexual orientation, etc.) It is your responsibility to identify the challenge related to gender based on our readings, your individual research, your personal views, experiences, etc.
*gender specific implies that the problem stems from different social expectations and/or treatment of the person based on their gender, rather than from social factors applicable to all genders. For example, access to quality college education can be a problem regardless of gender, given certain social factors (e.g. growing up in poverty and/or receiving inadequate K-12 education). On the other hand, the dearth of women in STEM fields or the lower rates at which currently men enroll in college are gender specific, because they are shaped by different social forces and expectations of men and women.
Step 3: Research your topic (one gender+ one particular problem). 
Step 4: Based on your research, explain the causes and effects of the problem (extremely important!!!)
Step 5: Review your research findings, then conduct more research in order to come up with solutions that can be implemented to help with the issue you have chosen to discuss
Having performed the above five steps, fill in the blanks of this question and answer it in a 5 page-long researched problem-solution essay:
What are the causes and effects of  _________________________________ (name the gender-specific problem/challenge)* and what can  be done to ameliorate it?
*remember: choose one gender (men, women, lesbian, gay, transgender, non-binary, etc.)   and one gender-specific challenge (i.e. a problem or a challenge that a group of people face due to their gender).
Readings: 1."Muscular Body Image Lures Boys into Gym, and Obsession" by Douglas Quenqua 
2. “Dismissing ‘Sexist Opinions’ About Women’s Place in Science: A Conversation with Ben A Barres,” interview with  Cornelia Dean.
3. “Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest.” by Andrew Reiner.
Requirements: These are the aspects of your writing I will be evaluating. Besides meeting the basic requirements (see the assignment sheets for essay 1 and essay 2), in this research paper you should pay attention to these aspects of research writing:1.Focus. Narrow down the prompt and your area of interest. Rewrite it for yourself in relation to a specific issue (note the singular!)  you find interesting. For example: “Given that teenage boys are under a lot of pressure to be strong, macho men, what can be done to help gay boys cope?” or, “Given that girls are taught to be nice and cooperative at the expense of achievement and leadership, what can parents and educators do to raise strong women with leadership potential?”  Taking the risk to repeat myself: you have to narrow the prompt to one specific problem/challenge and one gender. 2. Answering the question. Make sure you perform all the steps and cover all the aspects outlined on page 1. Do not leave the solutions for the conclusion; you will need to address those in several paragraphs in the body of the paper. To do that, look back at all your research and what you know about the causes and effects of the problem; then think about how you can apply this knowledge to propose solutions. Explain and support your suggestions. 3.Thesis. Write a clear and strong thesis. If you are taking a highly controversial position, write a thesis that reflects the possible objections to it. Remember that a thesis can be several sentences long.4. Types and number of sources. Incorporate a minimum of 4 secondary  sources, at least 3 of which you should find on your own. These 3 sources do not include the readings assigned. If you would like to use the readings we discussed, do that in addition to the three sources that you have identified. At least one of your sources should be peer-reviewed. Make sure you cite your sources properly using one citation format consistently. Prepare a list of references or works cited page.5.Integration of sources. Carefully introduce your source material and analyze it fully and efficiently; do not use quotes that are too long or barely relevant and avoid dropping quotations in your papers.6. Synthesis of sources. At least in one place in the paper, combine material from two sources on the same subject and explain how the connection helps you make an argument or understand an issue. 7.Counter-argument. Incorporate an efficient, well-structured and strongly argued counter-argument.8. Introduction and conclusion. Put sufficient time and effort in writing a strong, interesting and focused introduction and conclusion.9. Title. Craft a thoughtful and interesting title.10.Citations. Use proper citation technique, based on your citation format of choice.
Schedule of Activities and Work Due:
10/29 (Tue.)
1.Read and annotate:a. "Muscular Body Image Lures Boys into Gym, and Obsession" by Douglas Quenqua and b. “Dismissing ‘Sexist Opinions’ about Women’s Place in Science: A Conversation with Ben A Barres.” By Cornelia Dean It might be useful to think about the question below as you read and annotate.
2.For each article, write a short paragraph answering these questions:a. On  “Muscular Body Image Lures Boys into Gym, and Obsession." What does Quenqua mean by  “muscular body image”? Where and how is it created? Can you give examples, from your knowledge and experience, of  muscular body expectations in film, media, social media posts, etc.? Why, according to the author,  does this “muscular body image” (which another author calls, the “drive to muscularity”) lure boys ‘into Gym and obsession” ? 
b. Stanford neuroscientist Ben Barres claims that it is sexism that prevents women from having successful careers in the sciences. Find three pieces of supporting evidence in the text that support this idea. Do you agree or disagree with Barres? Why and how so?
For each piece, make sure you answer each question. Please note that these are not generic response journals, and so you need to carefully consider the claims in the readings first. 
11/05 (Tue)1.Read and “Teaching Men to be Emotionally Honest.” by Andrew Reiner.
2.Write a brief response (10 sentences or so) to these questions: What does Reiner imply or understand by “emotional honesty”? According to the author, how can men benefit from  “[learning] to be emotionally honest”? (Optional: having answered these questions, do you agree or disagree with the author?)
11/07 (Th.):
Use the brainstorming we did in class, your notes and annotations of the readings and anything else you have written so far to think about one or two potential topics. Test several topics and see what you can find online (you can use Credo reference or Opposing Viewpoints in Context, or any other online source). Select one of the several topics you have considered and do some research. This is just to help you discover a topic you want to learn more about. Submit the following on Blackboard: 
1.Write your research question. To do that, follow the directions on pp.1-2 of the assignment sheet. Explain briefly why you want to write on the topic. Why is it important? What do you hope to find in your research? Make sure to ask questions about causes and effects. (Submit this on time in order to get feedback on your topic).
2.Find and read carefully two outside sources that we have not discussed in class. (For the paper you  need a total of 4 secondary sources, one of which should be peer-reviewed; here you can submit any two of the required 4). They should be on your chosen gender-related challenge. 
For each source, do the following:
a/provide bibliographical information (everything you need for your list of references; cutting and pasting from the databases is OK)
b/explain why you find this source interesting or important to consider (2-3 sentences). Explain whether the sources deal with the causes of your chosen  gender challenge, its effects, possible solutions or some combination of all three.
If you are unsure how to start your research, read the following pages in the handbook: section  R-1  (pp. 320-335) on  formulating a solid research question, mapping out a search strategy and asking good research questions. 
11/12 (Tue.)Rough Draft due in class: Submit to Blackboard and bring a printed copy to class.
Remember that for this paper, among other things,  you need to include:
1.Synthesis. In at least one place in the paper, you need to connect information (arguments or evidence) from at least two different sources and use them together  to argue and support one single point (see handouts given in class and handbook, pp. 380-382; section MLA-3d).
2. Counterargument (see assignment sheet)
11/13 (Wednesday), 11/14 (Thursday)Revised rough Draft due during individual conferences. No class meetings on 04/03 and 04/05. Individual draft conferences (NC, Lydon 402). Schedule TBA.  Five page printed rough draft is due in conference. Come prepared with a list of questions/aspects of your writing you want me to address in my feedback.
Draft Conference Instructions:You will be assigned a particular date and time based on the availability of all of my students (in three different classes). Therefore, you will have to keep your appointment barring a serious family or personal emergency (see syllabus). I will not be able to reschedule the meeting once the schedule is finalized. You could swap appointments between themselves, if you wish; email me to let me know. 
11/19 (Tue.)Final draft due. Submit a soft and hard copy. Please follow the submission instructions. You need to submit both a printed copy and an electronic copy of your final version to Blackboard. 
Important dates till the end of the semester:
December 5, Thursday: Part I of assignment 4 due: the annotated bibliography. (Graded assignment: 12% of your final grade)
December 11-12: assignment 4 individual draft conferences (schedule TBA). 
December 17 (Tue.): Part II of Assignment 4 due (the revised and extended paper; 14 % of your final grade). You will submit your final version of the paper (text only, no prewriting materials) to Blackboard by 11:59 pm on that day. Late submissions will be penalized (see syllabus) and no papers will be accepted after 7:00 am on December 19 (Thursday). 
December 17 (Optional). All revisions of eligible papers are due (for eligibility, see syllabus). You will submit your final version of the revision (text only, no prewriting materials) to Blackboard by 11:59 pm on that day. Late submissions will be penalized (see syllabus) and no papers will be accepted after 7:00 am on December 19 (Thursday). 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Fixed versus Growth Mindset
One famous quotation from Albert Einstein goes like this, "we can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them (Einstein)." Einstein meant that since the people are the ones who create their own problems, people needs to change their current mindset by thinking outside the box to solve a problem. Mindsets are the beliefs of an individual about their own qualities, such as intelligence, on whether these qualities are static or dynamic (Murphy & Thomas, 271). People that have different mindsets, but observed to have the same abilities will show different behavioral patterns towards the achievement of their goals (Rissanen, Kuusito, Tuominen, & Tirri, 204). Additionally, this observation was characterized by Carol Dweck in her two theory’s about mindsets where people can possess either a fixed or a growth mindset (cited in Rissanen et al., 204). People with a fixed mindset, described as entity theory, are those who believed that their qualities are unchangeable, thus, making their current abilities to no longer improve (204). On the other hand, people with a growth mindset, described as incremental theory, are those who believed that their qualities can still be further developed through training and hard work (204).
Although a person's actions are based on what they believe, knowing the comparison between the fixed and growth mindset, such as the effects of each mindset on the learner, how learners develop the mindsets, and how people with different mindsets deal with challenges, should be further studies since determining the best mindset to learn is beneficial for personal development. In this paper, the differences between the fixed and growth mindset will be analyzed to see the better mindset that will yield more favorable results.
Effects of Different Mindsets to the Learner
People with fixed mindsets are generally focused on the status quo of society (Tomasko, 82). This kind of mindset causes their intelligence to be constant to only with what they currently know as they don't value learning new things as a form of success (Vandewalle, 302). They are skeptical about doing their best since they believe that their abilities can no longer be improved, or if even there is improvement, it only has small increments that it is negligible (Tomasko, 83). Additionally, they believe that failure is due to the lack of any significant skill and the achievement of goals means that they are better than others (Schroder, Callahan, Gornik, & Moser, 710). This kind of mindset is commonly observed with managers, business employees, machine operators, and drivers where the best workers are those who can maintain the consistency of their work (Tomasko, 82). Although mostly negative, the fixed mindset is also known to keep up with the most effective management practices available (83). They dislike changes and can easily see any delineation from the expected output in their work or other people’s work (82).
On the other hand, people with growth mindsets are open to the new possibilities that are brought about by changes (Tomasko, 83). This kind of mindset aims towards continuous personal ...
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