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Conserving Resources and Nutrition During Pregnancy

Essay Instructions:

Discussion 4-2 Conserving Resources and
For this discussion forum you must post your response to the following topic (100 words minimum);
1. After watching 'The Story of Stuff' video (see PowerPoint or watch it here - http://storyofstuff(dot)org/movies/story-of-stuff/ (Links to an external site.) ) - think about sustainability and ways that you can promote it. As you know, here in the USA, we use more resources per person than any other country. If changes aren't made, we may start losing resources in the near future. What are some simple
2. steps YOU can take to start and conserve resources, curb consumption and promote sustainability?
Discussion 4-3a Nutrition During Pregnancy / Breastfeeding debate
For this discussion forum you must post your responses to the following topics (100 words minimum);
1. Never having given birth to a child myself, I am not the expert here - but many of you are! Please comment on extra nutritional needs during pregnancy. Any weird cravings? Any tips for keeping weight gain to the appropriate amount? Anything interesting you'd like to share?
2. Please read the Consumer Guide (page 538) about formula/breast milk and comment on the advertising tactics of the formula companies. These can be especially egregious in 'developing countries.' I've worked in countries where women have been convinced that formula is healthier than breast milk and will spend their entire week's wages on formula while the healthier breast milk is free! Why do you think the formula companies target 'developing' regions of the world? Why do you think that they get away with this?

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Sustainability is all about fulfilling the requirements of the present without any compromise on the lives and needs of future generations. The concept of sustainability comprises of three main pillars: environmental, social and economic. Recycling is the best thing you can do to promote sustainability. It is all about recycling waste products so that the environment is kept safe. We can clean our houses and recycle old products to make them useful and to protect the environment. Another idea is to make informed decisions. We all need to buy sustainable products or go with environment-friendly services. For this purpose, we must collect information regarding our favorite products and then decide whether they are good to go with or not. Next, we should compost our kitchen wastes. For example, we should try using as much food fro...
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