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Stress Management Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: (15 points):
Stress can have a negative impact upon one’s health. Students will incorporate knowledge of MI techniques to engage a specific population in an evidence based activity that reduces stress levels. Through creating a stress management plan, the APRN gains experiential knowledge to utilize in their clinical practice.
Assignment Criteria:
• Choose an intervention that is useful for stress management: journal, aerobic exercise (running, walking, and swimming), yoga/Pilates, martial arts, meditation, music therapy, equine therapy etc.
• Using motivational interviewing techniques, create a Stress Management Plan for a specific patient type (young healthy, geriatric, child, etc…).
o Include lit review of the patient profile (e.g. Keywords – stress AND student; stress AND obesity; etc…)
o Incorporate a cultural component in patient profile
o Research the intervention and cite evidence of effectiveness
o Write at least two SMART goals. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound).
• Submit a 3-4 page paper using APA format (Intro, conclusion, references) to Assignments in Canvas on due date.


Assignment 1: (15 points):


Stress can have a negative impact upon one’s health.  Students will incorporate knowledge of MI techniques to engage a specific population in an evidence based activity that reduces stress levels.   Through creating a stress management plan, the APRN gains experiential knowledge to utilize in their clinical practice. 

Assignment Criteria:

  • Choose an intervention that is useful for stress management: journal, aerobic exercise (running, walking, and swimming), yoga/Pilates, martial arts, meditation, music therapy, equine therapy etc.

  • Using motivational interviewing techniques, create a Stress Management Plan for a specific patient type (young healthy, geriatric, child, etc…).

    • Include lit review of the patient profile (e.g. Keywords – stress AND student; stress AND obesity; etc…)

    • Incorporate a cultural component in patient profile

    • Research the intervention and cite evidence of effectiveness

    • Write at least two SMART goals. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound).

  • Submit a 3-4 page paper using APA format (Intro, conclusion, references) to Assignments in Canvas on due date.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Stress Management: Intervention of Stress in the Youth
Stress management
Stress and youth
Stress and strain are highly prevalent among adolescents. Damour (2018) argues that the pressure may not originate from their workload, probably at school or work for the working population. The primary origin of the issue may be how most teenagers think about the nature of stress. Hence, the profound rates of strain and stress among the youth develop from their thoughts and not the hardships they might face in real-life situations. Sigfusdottir et al. (2017) conducted a study and discussed stress among adolescents in three disciplines. According to the research by Sigfusdottir et al. (2017), the first distinction is mental health, which focuses on the negative impacts of stress on the emotional health of the affected individuals. In criminology, the implications of stress on crime and overall neglect of duties are discussed (Sigfusdottir et al., 2017). Lastly, biology emphasizes knowing and understanding the impacts of stress on the physiology of the affected individuals (Sigfusdottir et al., 2017). These perspectives reveal that stress and strain affect the general life of the victims. However, although traumatic pressure may have toxic effects on the youth, it is part of a standard and healthy life.
On the other hand, stress is harmful and youths should aim at preventing and reducing it to eventually avoid it. Although the process might pose some challenges, it will lead to the achievement of important goals in the teenage demographic. Stress and strain do not affect the victims only but also the people around them. For instance, when teenagers are going through twists, their parents and friends are either directly or indirectly involved in the situation. Parents will have to enact ways to help their children, and the process may indulge in questioning their upbringing skills (Damour, 2018). Hence, the feelings affect them negatively as they wish they could turn around the situations their children are experiencing. On the other hand, friends lose their mates on the verge of distress because stressed individuals cannot continue with their healthy lives as expected. Thus, stress is harmful, and the ultimate solution for the youth is avoiding any circumstances leading to the situation.
The intervention of stress in the youth
The most affected individuals in the population include students in various levels of studies such as high school and college. Hence, the stress and strain require intervention to enhance and ensure the continued wellbeing of the demographic. “Stress coping methods are the physiological, cognitive, behavioral, and psychological methods to deal with stress” (Kassymova et al., 2018). In this case, the chosen intervention should have a significant impact on the management of stress among teenagers. According to Kassymova et al. (2018), engaging in a stress management course and extracurricular activiti...
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