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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Senior Fitness Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

Short answer 150 words page 1 (This is separate from the learning experiences essay, but part of the same paper)
Explain the cycle of decline and offer three ways to break this cycle. Explain your recommendations.
Choose one of the following learning experiences. Perform the experience as instructed and write a 250 word essay describing your experience and what you gained from participating. Provide a comprehensive explanation of your findings, including the answer to the learning experience, as well as how this knowledge can benefit you in your service to your future clients, friends, and/or family.
1. ( I went this learning experiences) Research the different methods of body composition testing. Describe at least five methods you found in detail. How are they ranked in the research you found? Which method is best for assessing your older clients?

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Senior Fitness
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Senior Fitness
Part I
The decline cycle is one of the stages of the product life cycle, characterized by the ultimate drop-in product sales and a halt in the overall production. During this phase, the profitability falls; eventually, production becomes no longer profitable, and the business stops further production (Lumenlearning, 2020). During this cycle, the business encounters counter-optimal cost structures, a drastic fall in sales volume. Termination of production marks the end of a single entrant within the broad spectrum of an on-going business cycle. The decline cycle can be broken by reducing promotional expenditure on produced goods, and implement price cuts to maintain loyal customers and attract new ones to purchase the product. Thirdly, the cycle can also be broken by reducing the number of distribution chain outlets (Nibusinessinfo, 2017). Reducing promotional expenditures, distribution chains, and introducing price cuts helps reduce the cost of producing a unit of product and maximizing profit. An increase in profit helps to keep the business afloat.
Part II
Some of the methods used for testing body composition include Skin Calipers, Bioelectrical Impedance, Hydrostatic Weighing, DEXA, and Air-Displacement Plethysmography ranked in that order (DuVall, 2014).
Skin Calipers are the commonly accessible method used for testing body composition. It assesses the folding of the skin using different parts of the body. Technicians pinch the chosen site then use skin calipers to measure the size of the thickness of the pinched skin fold. The numbers are then plugged into a formula that is used to ...
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