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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The future prospects of Mobile (mCommerce). Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

This course is Supply Chain Management.
Professor's Instruction:
Your TEAM paper should include:
#1. a brief history
#2. the current state of art
#3. the future prospects (this is my part, write this part only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
!!! MY PART IS: #3. the future prospects.
Our topic is: Mobile (mCommerce), see the file attached for details.
Talk about the future prospects of Mobile (mCommerce).
!!!!!! Very importantly, you need to make a connection to the supply chain. That is, how do the topic - Mobile (mCommerce) impact supply chain management.
My thoughts:
You can talk about Apple Pay.
Citation: APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Future Prospects of Mobile Commerce
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

The Future Prospects of Mobile Commerce
Mobile commerce (mCommerce) is the new trend in purchasing and selling products and services. In particular, it involves using wireless handheld gadgets, such as smartphones and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Mobile commerce has a bright future in supply chain management, particularly because many people can afford smartphones in almost every part of the world, which means that they can access the Internet.
The supply chain management covers everything from the distribution and storage of raw materials, manufacturing, and taking finished goods to the point of consumption. For this reason, mCommerce will have a significant contribution to the supply chain since it facilitates the selling of products to customers in various corners of the world. Specifically, the majority of individuals carry their smartphones in their pockets wherever they go. In other words, they can access various websites in the comfort of their homes or offices. Since mCommerce makes the buying experience less hectic, many people are likely to purchase goods that they want, particularly since they are delivered at their doorstep.
Apple ...
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