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MedWatch Coursework: How It Fits Within the FDA Mission

Coursework Instructions:

BBS Assignment #2

Module 5 contains information about the FDA’s post approval surveillance efforts. This assignment gives you a chance to explore these issues in more detail.


Step One:            Go to the FDA Post-Marketing Surveillance website: http://www(dot)fda(dot)gov/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Surveillance/ucm090385.htm

Step Two:            Pick one of the programs (FAERS, MedWatch, Marketing and Advertising, etc.), learn more about the program by clicking on its link on the webpage.

Then, describe the purpose of the program,  the requirements of the program, and how it fits within the FDA mission of keeping drugs and devices safe and effective.

Step Three:        Pick some information that was provided to the FDA under the program you chose.

Explain the information that was provided and what action, if any, the agency took, and what you think about the information that was provided  and the agency’s response to that information.

Step Four:          Go to the Drug Safety Communications page:


See if there any communications based on the information you found in Step Three. If so, describe what the communications are and if you think the communications were sufficient to warn Doctors and Patients about the issue.

If there is not one related to the information you found in Step Three, just pick a communication and answer the same questions (what are the communications you picked, are they sufficient, etc.     

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Institutional affiliation
Purpose of The Program
MedWatch is a program that offers the public and health professionals to voluntarily provide information on severe reactions and issues with medical products such as drugs and medical tools. MedWatch works on improving patient care by ensuring that critical safety information is passed on to the doctors on time.
The Requirements of The Program
The information collected through MedWatch is preserved in the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) database. Companies that manufacture prescription drugs are legally obliged to provide information on adverse events to the FDA. Also, they are required to file information concerning errors and accidents involved in the making of the products or provide reports on drug quality. The information is crucial in cases where the current manufacturing practices do not occur.
How It Fits Within the FDA Mission
MedWatch provides a framework for the FDA to gather information from the manufacturers. The MedWatch website provides the necessary information on reporting adverse events for the public and medical product manufacturers (FDA, 2014).
The Information That Was Provided
FDA (2016) provides an article addressing patients, OBGYN, and professionals working in the oncology sector about the dangers linked with tests being advertised as ovarian cancer screening tests. The issues are an evidence-based approach that shows studies have found that there is a large number of erroneous results when using screening tests for ovarian cancer. Consequently, there is a risk of delayed preventive care for women who undergo these tests and show no symptoms. Additionally, the result might mislead patients and medical practitioners leading to making inappropriate medical decisions. The agency also notes that the use of ovarian cancer screening test increases the risk of developing ovarian cancer for women who become confident of the preliminary results making them not to take the necessary action in reducing the chances of future risk (FDA, 2016).
What I Think About the Information
The information offered by the FDA is appropriate for the audience. According to the American Cancer Society (2016), it is true that there are various tests which can be conducted when a patient goes to check up on ovarian cancer. Fundamentally, both the FDA and the American Cancer Society show that the treatment history of a patient is critical ...
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