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Selection Criteria for Project Coordinator Position at Canada Food Technologies

Coursework Instructions:

Plz finish partb’s part 3 and 5. There is no particular words number request for part 3.

1.   Selection Criteria:

For each selection criteria include:

  • Criteria and a description- e.g. Stating "Leadershipskills" is not enough.Need to explain what you mean by Leadership skills. E.g. Ability to motivate others and to get people to work together to accomplish goals.
  • Describes what type of information on a resume would lead you to believe that the applicant has leadership abilities? (If this is not a selection criterion that can easily be assessed from a resume, describe how you could assess this criterion in another part of the selection process. Example- testing, interviews, reference checks etc. & explain what  information you wouldgather).
  • Explains why this is an important criterion in selecting someone for this job.Relate to responsibilities of the job from the Job Description.

2.   Scoring matrix template and the scoring matrix completed for each applicant

Includes selection criteria, the weighting,scoring procedures and a comments section.

Includes point form notes for your evaluation of each resume.

Template is well organized,easy to read and understand,free from spelling and grammar errors.

3.  Identificat ion of the 2 applicants you will interview and your rationale for each. For each applicant describe how they met each criterion.

  1. Interview plan:

,. Introduction

,. Interview Questions

-   Minimum of  S questions

-    Includes at least three well written and applicable behavioural questions

-    Includes at least three will written and applicable situational style questions

-   At least one question addresses each of the selection criteria identified in step 1(e.g.If Leadershipis a selection criteria one question must address the candidate's leadership experience) *In brackets after each question. identify the selection criteria, which is being assessed.

-   Includes three candidate specific questions that could be asked of each of the two applicants youwill interview. The questions should address information from their resume

-    Questions are relevant to the job

-    Questions are well written and free of spelling and grammar errors


Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Part B: Three and Five
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Date
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
There were several applicants for the project coordinator position at Canada Food Technologies. However, only two met the selection criteria and will face the interview panel. These are Jenny Wang and Anthony Spadara. As outlined in the job description, the selection criteria included education level, work experience, knowledge and abilities, and leadership skills. A university or college degree specializing in technology or engineering was needed on the education level criterion. On the work experience criterion, an applicant must have one year of experience as a project coordinator in a food or manufacturing environment. Under the knowledge, abilities, and leadership skills criteria, applicants must have outstanding knowledge and familiarity with agencies such as FDA, CFIA, USDA, and GMPS. Secondly, an applicant was required to portray high-level use of the Microsoft suite and project. Further, excellent customer service and good communication and interpersonal skills were needed. The ability to engage in problem-solving with minimal supervision and good organizational skills with time management skills were also necessary. The knowledge and abilities, and leadership skills criteria took a lot of work to access from the resumes in detail. Therefore, they will be assessed further during the interview and through reference checks.
Jenny Wang
Education level criterion: He possesses a university degree: Bachelor of Electrical Engineering.
Work experience criterion: He has been a project coordinator at Cogent Power, a manufacturing company, for two years. At Cogent Power, he planned projects working closely with the project manager. He also facilitated technical projects through the project cycle, entailing initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, commissioning, and closing phases.
Knowledge and abilities criterion: He is proficient with Microsoft project and MS office applications, has excellent customer service and interpersonal skills and has strong communication skills. His proficiency with Microsoft project and MS office applications are demonstrated by how he created macros in Microsoft excel, word, and outlook to extract desired data from unprocessed data while working as an intern at DBC consulting. Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills are demonstrated in his resume in how he created and developed working relationships with customers to improve project outcomes and meet customer satisfaction while working at Cogent Power. Secondly, strong communication skills are demonstrated in his resume by how he communicated with relevant departments and employees while working at Cogent Power.
Leadership Skills: In his resume, Jenny demonstrates that he could create and develop working relationships with more than ten clients on four projects to ensure they were all completed.
Anthony Spadara
Education level criterion: He possesses a university degree: Bachelor of Technology, Process Automation.
Work Experience criterion: He was an assistant project coordinator for over one year (May 2018 to January 2020) at Canada Bread. As a project coordinator...
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