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MUS 100 Mozart Video Score Extra Credit. Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

MUS 100 Mozart Video Score Extra Credit
Watch and listen to the following video of the scrolling notated score synced to an audio recording. This is a famous piano sonata by Mozart. It is generally quite simple (part of why it is so well-known!); most Mozart sonatas are much more complicated. Submit your answers on this Canvas forum.
*Robot performance: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=dNbqRC4xtEg
1. Were you able to follow the music notation with your eye and ear? If not, describe what was confusing or hard to follow. Do you perceive something in the music by watching the score that you perhaps might have otherwise missed if you were only listening to it? Does watching the score clarify any concept or bring out any detail in the music? (3-4 sentences)
2. Answer the following questions by pausing the video
All the melody and accompaniment notes of measure (m.) 1 are in what chord?
b. Most (ignore the C) of the notes in the first two beats of m. 2 make up what chord?
c. What chord is formed by the notes of beats 3 & 4 of m. 2?
d. What chord is formed by the notes of the first two beats of m. 3?
e. What chord is formed by the notes of beats 3 & 4 of m. 3?
f. What are the Roman numeral labels for those chords?
3. Can you draw any conclusion or describe how scales and chords come together in melody and accompaniment? (3-4 sentences)

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Answer 1: While watching and listening to this video carefully, I was able to follow the music notation, and nothing confused me throughout the video. Personally, the music evokes certain emotions such as excitement, joys, and happiness. It’s not just the melody or beat of the song that’s conveying the message, either. It is not only the score that urged me to learn something new but also the way this music video has been presented. As a general process, the score clarifies the dynamics of this music, molds the articulation and so on. A person who is unable to conjure up a segment from memory can image it using this kind of score.
Answer 2 (a): From the bottom note upwards, the chord consists of three p...
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