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I know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Coursework Instructions:

Write 3 paragraph answering the following: Maya Angelou describes an incident of having to go to the dentist when she was a child. What do you think about this incident? There are two versions of the visit to the first (white) dentist: Maya's version and her grandmother's version. What are the two versions? Which one do you prefer? Why?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

I know Why the Caged Bird Sings
The dentist incidents capture the life and surroundings of both black and white people during the Great Depression. There was segregation during the time, and white people had access to the best services. This was partly because they learned and trained in specialized fields, and there were fewer restrictions for whites. On the other hand, many black people were not educated and hence could not practice dentistry. Surprisingly, black people also lent money to the whites as evidenced by Momma's action to ask for money from Dentist Lincoln who is white. Momma and Maya had to visit a black dentist 25 miles away after the white dentist refused to treat Maya (Angelou, 2009). Discrimination clouded Dentist Lincoln's judgment, and this was merely an extension of the society's division along racial and social classes.
At the same time, segregation and discrimination meant that black people would find it difficult to access medical services. Momma decides to take Maya to Dentist Lincoln since the nearest black dentist is 25 miles away (Angelou, 2009). Even though, Dentist Lincoln is white he owes Momma money, but he does not reciprocate to offer his services to treat Maya's tooth, even when he owes Momma a favor. Discrimination prevents Momma and Maya from seeing the dentists at first as the dentist's secretary does allow them to see the dentist. They later see Dentist Lincoln, but he says he does not treat black people, Momma decides to visit the black dentist later on. In the second version, they visit Dentist Baker a black dentist 25 miles away. Momma asks for her money and interest from Dentist Lincoln to enable her to go the black dentist.
I prefer the first version by the narrator as it is eventful and provides a more vivid description of life in Stamps. Clearly, Momma loved her granddaughter and was willing to dedicate time and to receive the best services. A trip to Dentist Lincoln is eventful, unlike the visit to Dentist Baker, where they take a long journey and appear bored throughout. This version also shows that Momma used the best means possible; if the tooth was aching and she had a string then she would use this t...
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