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English Grammar: Identifying the Subject and Predicate

Coursework Instructions:

Try to get full marks of each question by looking at each lecture to find the format, each of them are not hard. THANK YOU.
Hi, you can simply ignore the three files lecture 3,4 and 5 because they are not useful for this assignment. You can go directly to those three "useful information" files. Thank you!

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
1 Identify the subject and predicate in the following sentence:
1 The house that we own sits on a small lot.
1 Subject: The house that we own
2 Predicate: sits on a small lot
2 The girl sitting at the corner works for our company
3 Subject: The girl sitting at the corner
4 Predicate: works for our company
2 Are ‘be’ and ‘do’ main verbs or auxiliaries in the following sentences? What is your reasoning? Make sure to provide at least two reasons.
3 Barbara did her homework every night.
4 The children were playing quietly.
In the first sentence, the verb ‘did’ is a main verb, while the verb ‘were’ is an auxiliary verb. The reasons for this distinction is (1) Did in the first sentence indicates the action being done every night, while were in the second only modifies the main action word ‘playing’; and (2) because the verb “were” was used in the present perfect tense.
3 In the following sentence, the underlined TENSE-ASPECT FORM is problematic:
By the time you arrive, we will finish the meal and the speeches.
5 What is a better choice of tense-aspect form?
5 Name of the better tense
1 Future-perfect tense
6 Form of the verb with the new tense:
2 Will have finished
6 The use of a future perfect tense fits the sentence better because it indicates an action that will be completed at a particular point in the future. In the sentence, the actions that would be completed are eating (‘the meal’) and writing (‘the speeches’). Additionally, it indicates that these actions would be completed when the individual ‘arrives’.
4 Identify the TENSE of the verb in each of the following sentences.
7 Tomorrow morning, I will be waiting for them.
7 future progressive tense
8 The principle has organized a party for the school.
8 Present Perfect tense
9 Before yesterday, I had never thought about your suggestion.
9 Past perfect tense
10 The Bronx is part of New York.
10 Simple present tense
5 Write down the non-finite verbs in the following sentences.
I heard that you were leaving
She has already left the house
You need to see a doctor
To see
They could consult a specialist
6 Consider the following sentence:
I am waiting for an answer
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