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IT & Computer Science Coursework: Virtual Private Networking (VPN)

Coursework Instructions:

Virtual Private Networking (VPN)

Your company wants to implement a Virtual Private Network for employees that work remotely. Research remote virtual computing software products not covered in the textbook readings for this topic. Then, provide a 750- to 1,000-word report to the company's CIO that includes the following:
Compare the top VPN products on the market.
Find out how the security features of VPN products may benefit the organization.
Provide three suggestions for VPN products for the company. Explain your ideal choice for the corporation.
Note: You must use at least one credible reference.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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Virtual Private Networking
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Virtual Private Networking
Many organizations have implemented technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their daily operations. As such, employees are allowed to use technological devices in their workplace to perform their duties. Due to the rise of the Internet, some companies have allowed their workers to work remotely. In other words, these employees work from different parts of the world and are not confined in a physical office building. In that light, such firms should use Virtual Private Networking (VPN). A VPN gives people online anonymity and privacy since it creates a private network from one's public internet connection. In particular, it masks users' Internet protocol (IP) such that their online activities are virtually untraceable. VPNs bolster employees' security on the Internet by establishing encrypted and secure connections, which is why my company should implement a VPN for employees working remotely.
Top VPN Choices Available for Business Uses
The best top three VPNs that my company should implement to improve employees' security remotely include ExpressVPN, Surfshark, and IPVanish. ExpressVPN is powered and provided by TrustedServer technology. The VPN does not keep users' logs of their online activities, and it has a great reputation for providing high-quality services. ExpressVPN has over 3,000 servers in 160 locations and provides about 30,000 IP addresses (Hodge & Gewirtz, 2021). Indeed, its services are present in more than 94 countries.
Additionally, it allows faster Internet connection and has the best payment plan of less than $7 per month for annual subscribers. Surfshark is the best second VPN choice. Specifically, it has around 3,200 servers in 65 locations. If one subscribes to its two-year plan, the individual pays about $2.49 per month, which means that it offers a significant discount to its users (Hodge & Gewirtz, 2021). Surfshark facilitates faster Internet connectivity and also provides ad-blocking, tracker-blocking, and antimalware services. The third VPN option is IPVanish, which has over 1,600 servers in more than 75 locations. IPVanish provides over 40,000 IP addresses. Notably, it has an easy-to-navigate user interface and offers unlimited simultaneous connections. IPVanish one-year package charges around $5.20 per month (Hodge & Gewirtz, 2021). The VPN is best known for providing uninterrupted streaming services.
How Features Found on VPN Products Might Benefit an Organization
VPNs are crucial tools for organizations that want to promote the security of their online activities. They offer secure Internet connections and remote acce...
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