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IT & Computer Science
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Importance of Data Integrity Controls

Coursework Instructions:

Data integrity controls are important. Why? What kinds of examples can you envision in which controls help protect our systems from inaccuracies or problems in the data?
Example: I distinctly remember an escalation I received once from an application owner indicating they were receiving an error in their application that stated "Primary Key violation, cannot insert duplicate key in object." After seeing the error and reviewing the control, I explained to them what was happening and why it was preventing an insert they were attempting, explaining that this is a control meant to keep the data accurate and correct, without allowing anomalies or duplicates into the data set.
At that point they asked me point blank: "Can you turn off that control so I can insert this data, then turn it back on?"
Luckily I was on the phone and they didn't see the look on my face :)
Please I need resources for Paper and APA

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Data Integrity Controls
Institutional Affiliation
Data Integrity Controls
Importance of Data Integrity Controls
Data integrity controls involve the management of consistency, accurateness, and trustworthiness of data to reassure that data is uncorrupted during their life cycle (Kiruthiga & Vennila, 2018). The process of data integrity controls ensures that a database is an accurate image of the discourse it represents or models. In terms of data protection, data integrity refers to the assurance of the accessibility and availability of data for modification, verification, and legal computation. According to Kirutiga and Vennila (2018), effective controls in data integrity helps to resolve common issues such as data loss or manipulation and unauthorized access and computations. In general, Rachel and Gupta (2017) have argued that these controls ensure that data satisfy five major requirements, including attributability, contemporaneousness, legibility, accuracy, and originality.
Examples where Controls Help Protect Systems from Inaccuracies or Problems in the Data
There are several examples where controls can help systems from inaccuracies or problems in the data. Proper integrity controls allow databases to present error messages whenever a viola...
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