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5 pages/β‰ˆ1375 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Family Teaching Plan and Interventions on Physical Inactivity

Coursework Instructions:

1. Decide on a family problem/concept based on the family assessment (Family A's problem is Physical inactivity. they watch TV in their leisure time; the parents are overweight; have a family history of HTN, DM, Cancer, and Arthritis)
2. Rate the problem using the Omaha System Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes
3. Create a table to show how you arrived at the rating of the problem.
4. Plan an intervention based on your choice of the family problem and interview questions to the family (box 18.6).
5. Create a teaching plan in table format using the nursing process which includes 4 columns
1 Assessment of family with problem identified.
2 Nursing Diagnosis (using NANDA nursing diagnosis) https://nurseslabs(dot)com/nursing-diagnosis/#what_is_a_nursing_diagnosis risk for stress
3 Expected outcomes defined using time oriented goals with one short term goal and one long term goal. e.g The family one week, or one month or two months etc.
4 Community nursing interventions using community resources.-state two (2) specific local community resources found in the family's community (Family A lives in Somerset, New Jersey)
6. Contact at least one of the community resources (by telephone, face to face, or virtual meeting) and connect the community agency and the family. the park is free to residents.
7. Discuss with the family how the communtiy agency/resource can assist them with a problem that are experiencing.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Family Teaching Plan: Physical Inactivity
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Family Teaching Plan: Physical Inactivity
The Family Problem
Family A's problem is Physical inactivity. They watch TV too long even in their leisure time. The parents are also overweight. In addition, the family has a history of High blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, Cancer, and Arthritis. The lack of physical activity has adverse implications on the health and finances of the family (Giuntella et al., 2021). The members are vulnerable to various diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Further, it can lead to obesity which increases the risk for the outlined diseases. At the moment, the parents are overweight, an indication that lack of physical activity is already affecting the family members. The family history of the various illnesses makes the members more vulnerable to the said diseases. Illnesses in a family can have huge financial implications. The family is likely to spend more money on treating the diseases and caring for the sick. Illnesses will reduce the productivity of the members and hence reduce the income of the family. Being overweight and obese can increase the mortality rate among family members. As a result, it is important to address the lack of physical activity in A’s family.
Problem Rating Scale for Outcomes

Rating Scale


2: Minimal knowledge
* The family members do not know the availability of healthy foods
* The family is unaware of the dangers of being overweight and obesity
* Could not relate physical inactivity with illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer


2: Rarely appropriate behavior
* Has not engaged in any meaningful physical activity
* Rarely consumes healthy foods
* The family enjoys carbonated drinks daily
* Watches television even during leisure time
* Does not follow diet plans


1: Extreme signs/symptoms
* Parents are overweight
* Elevated blood pressure

Source: (The Omaha System, 2021)
Firstly, the family should reduce watching TV. The members should be deliberate in avoiding watching TV excessively. Particularly during leisure time, the family should find more engaging activities, like taking a walk. Reducing sedentary time is critical in dealing with instances of overweight and obesity (Dempsey et al., 2020). Secondly, the family needs to engage in physical activity. Exercising is critical in helping the parents deal with being overweight. Through exercise, the family members will become more physically fit. Instead of watching TV for a long time, members can decide to walk in the neighborhood. Thirdly, the family needs to shift to healthy diets. Instead of consuming fast foods and carbonated drinks, the members should cut down on sugary diets. Taking a healthy diet will be critical in combating overweight among the parents.
Teaching Plan


Expected Outcomes


30 minutes

* Define overweight
* Discuss the negative implications of overweight

* Members can differentiate between normal weight from overweight
* The fam...
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