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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
Case Study
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Go-Figure and Accounting

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* A brief outline of the significant parts of the Go-Figure business plan.
Since the business plan sets the goals that Go-Figure is striving to achieve, it provides a means of operating the business and how to measure its performance. The business plan will include;
Executive Summary
* Provides a description of the Go-Figure business concept.
* Describes the market potential and management expertise.
* Offers a brief forecast of the profit and sales as well as the finances required.
* Offers specific details of the circuit board inspection system.
* Description of how the circuit board inspection system is produced and delivered to customers.
* Explanation of the size of the factory and Go-Figures production capacity.
* Description of Go-Figure suppliers.
* The type of organization
* A list containing the names, addresses and contact information of managers.
* The level of experience of each manager
* The duties of each manager as well as their job description
* A description of the number of employees and how they are divided across different departments.
* Description of the target segment
* A list of competitors, both primary and secondary.
* The criteria for determining the price of the circuit board inspection system.
* Unique advantages of the product that stands out from competitor products.
Strategy and Implementation
* Explanation of costs, pricing, distributions, and promotions.
* Description of the operation cycle and how the firm will function.
* Harvest strategy
* Information on facilities and hours of operation.
* Describe the Go-Figure budget
* Provide a description of how the funds will be used.
* Description of insurance needs and estimation of prices for additional coverage.
* Provision of the necessary licenses and permits as well as copyright information.
* There a number of questions that possible investors would like to get answers to before investing in Go-Figure.
Possible questions that investors might ask to get a clear overview of the organization include;
1 What exactly does Go-Figure do?
2 What is unique about Go-Figure?
3 Where has the company set up its headquarters?
4 How big can Go-Figure grow?
Potential market overview questions include;
1 What is the actual market being addressed by the circuit board inspection system developed by Go-Figure?
2 What percentage of the addressable market does Go-Figure plan to get a hold of after a certain period?
3 What criteria does the company use to establish its sales and how does Go-Figure measure its growth rate?
4 Why does Go-Figure have high growth potential?
The investors might also be interested in the Go-Figure team, more specifically the management. Because of this, they are likely to ask questions such as;
1 What are the relevant field experiences of Go-Figures team members?
2 What additional training or skills do the team need to acquire in the short term to be able to take the business to the next level.
3 What makes the team unique regarding executing the business plan?
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