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Managing Brands In A Digitally-Empowered World. Brand name: Disney

Case Study Instructions:

Please read the requirements attached carefully,
AND please follow the structure like the sample attached.
The brand that I chose is Disney, (if you have any good idea about the brand selection, you could send message to me, we could talk about this later.)
The required reading attached, you could take quote from those readings, and please do a reference list on the last page.
Many thanks!!


1 MARK5814 – T2 2019 DIGITAL MARKETING Individual Assignment (30%) Length: 3000 words (max) Due before midnight 30 April 2020 (Week 11) Managing brands in a digitally-empowered world The last decade has seen an emergence of a digitally-empowered world that has transformed markets and marketing. Marketing is in the stage of evolution in which consumers are becoming more empowered and more engaged than they have ever been before. Consumers can now choose to become as involved as they want with a brand, with their influence ranging from simply posting comments and ratings about a firm’s brand and/or its products at one end of a continuum, to making a substantial impact on brand development at the other end. Similarly, firms can choose to become as involved as they wish with consumers, ranging from hosting a website for the brand at one end of a continuum, to actively empowering consumers to engage in product and brand development at the other end. Consider a particular brand [‘X’] of your choice (e.g., the brand that you or your friends/relatives have been empowered by and where you [they] have a substantial level of engagement). Ideally you should select a brand where some form of digital connection exists. Answer the following questions using your [or your friends’/relatives’] experience with the brand [‘X’]: 1. Describe in detail what specific activities the firm has done to empower1 you [or your friends/relatives] to engage with brand [‘X’] (15 marks) (Answer in bullet point form for each specific activity, max 600 words) 2. Describe in details a. what first of all you [or your friends/relatives] have done to engage2 with brand [‘X’] (focus on TWO most important engagement activities described in Question 1) and secondly what value3 (e.g. quality value, economic value, social value, emotional value) you [they] have received from such brand engagement activities? Provide an explanation for each form of value received (20 marks) (Provide your answer in the following table explaining for each form of value received, max 600 words for each) What activities have been done to engage with brand [‘X’] What value3 was received from these brand engagement activities? Explanation of why this form of value was received Engagement activity 1 Engagement activity 2 2 b. For each specific engagement activity in the table below, rate the form(s) of value received from that engagement activity on the following scale. (5 marks) Received no value based on what I have given Received highest value based on what I have given Engagement activity 1 Quality value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Economic value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Social value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Emotional value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Engagement activity 2 Quality value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Economic value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Social value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Emotional value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3. Suggest TWO key areas the firm of brand [‘X’] could do to influence your: a. sense of empowerment with brand [‘X’] (30 marks) b. level of engagement with brand [‘X’]? (30 marks) Justify your suggestions. (Answer in bullet point form for each specific key area, max 600 words for each question) NOTE Use the following definitions of customer empowerment, customer brand engagement, and customer perceived value. 1Customer empowerment: a customer’s perception of the extent to which firms provide customer avenues to connect with the firm, connect with other customers and actively shape the nature of firms’ product and/or service offerings (Ramani and Kumar 2008). 2Customer brand engagement (CBE): a consumer’s positively valenced brand-related cognitive, emotional and behavioral activity during or related to consumer-brand interactions (Hollebeek 2014). 3Customer perceived value: the customer’s overall perceived assessment of the utility of a product or service (e.g. quality, economic, social, emotional value) based on the perceptions of what is received and what is given (Sweeney and Soutar 2001).  Quality value – the utility derived from the perceived quality and expected performance of product/service of the brand.  Economic value – the utility derived from the brand due to the reduction of its perceived short term and long terms costs.  Social value – the utility derived from the brand’s ability to enhance social self-concept.  Emotional value – the utility derived from the feelings or affective states that a brand generates. References Edelman, D.C. 2010. Branding in the digital age, Harvard Business Review, December, 62-69. Fernando, V. and Ngo, L.V. 2012. Enhancing customer perceived value via customer empowerment and customer-brand identification, ANZMAC 2012, Adelaide. Hollebeek, L., Glynn, M.S. and Brodie, R.J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28, 149-165. Ramani, G. and Kumar, V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72(1), 27-45. Sweeney, J. C. and Soutar, G.N. (2001). Consumer perceived value: the development of a multiple item scale. Journal of Retailing, 77(2), 203-220.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Managing brands in a digitally-empowered world
Student Name
Brand name: Disney
1 Specific activities on empowerment that Disney has done to empower you [or your friends/relatives] to engage with the brand
* Company Introduction
The brand that I chose for this assignment is Disney. The Walt Disney Company that is commonly identified as Disney is an American company that is diversified multinational mass media as well as entertainment conglomerate that has its headquarters at the Walt Disney Studios complex located at Burbank in the state of California (Giroux & Pollock, 2018). The company focuses on entertaining, informing as well as providing inspiration to a global audience through the use of unparalleled storytelling, reflection on the iconic brands, innovative technologies as well as creative minds. The Walt Disney Company alongside its subsidiaries, as well as affiliates, is known to be the leading diversified international family entertainment as well as media enterprises with different business segments that include: Media Networks; Parks; Studio Entertainment; Direct-to-Consumer; Studio Entertainment and Experiences and Products. The primary unit of the company is the Media Networks that provides a chain of television networks, cable channels, associated products as well as distribution companies. The specific activities that the company has done that empower me to engage with their brand Disney are described below.
Activity 1
Customer empowerment is reinforced through the construction of the brand experiences that are experiential and gives the customer a final degree of control of the outcome. Disney Parks and Resorts ensure that employees do not own the guests but allow the guests to connect to the moment willfully (Holt, 2016). At the same time, Disney is well known for creating strong stories or brands that make their media to appear like they are working seamlessly. The extraordinary level of excellent service delivery from their employees is just amazing. The various Disney Parks, as well as their Resorts, ensure the creation of magical experiences that come alive in the consumers’ world. The Cast Members at Disneyland strive for excellence to deliver outstanding services to every guest. The employees do extra at their call of duty to provide memorable customer experience within the theme park. This aspect of consistently delivering exceptional experience is crucial since customers interact with the Disney brand at many different points in person, through social networks as well as online. A good part of creating the magical experience entails the aspect of knowing every guest, daily and every moment that they interact with the Disney brand.
They listen keenly to the guests in an attempt to understand what is relevant to their customers through customer-managed relationships. This enables the creation of multiple solutions that enable guests to utilize as well as optimize their personal experiences across different points of touch offered by the Disney brand. The employees take it upon themselves to own the moment with guests and connect the moments.
Disney focuses on the use of the Disney Difference campaign to ensure that consumers can easily disti...
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