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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Worst Leader, Bad Leadership Example, and the Natural Born Leader

Case Study Instructions:

1. Who is the worst leader you've ever worked under and why?
2. Is there a historical leader/a moment of leadership that you feel is exceptionally bad and why?
3. What are some key things that make a bad leader?
4. Can bad leaders change, if so, how?
5. Is there such a thing as a "natural born leader?"

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Case Study
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Case Study
Question One: Worst Leader
Olivia was the worst leader I worked under as a supervisor in a consultancy firm. She rarely interacted with her team and scolded employees for failing to meet deadlines or task expectations. Olivia openly criticized her team, and on one occasion, she blamed me for a complaint filed by a customer. Understanding her expectations of us was challenging as she failed to specify our collective and individual responsibilities and prioritized blame over problem-solving. Most of my time at the firm, I avoided asking questions or bringing attention to myself. Olivia is the worst leader, as she did not place the subordinate staff in a position to succeed. She expected all employees to know their roles at all times and was furious when workers appeared to be uncertain about tasks assigned.
Question Two: Example of Exceptionally Bad Leadership Example
The former president, Donald Trump, displayed poor leadership when his sexist remarks leaked. Individuals heard him bragging about performing offensive actions on women without their consent, representing a significant shift from what the presidency should entail. Inconsistencies between a leader's words and actions can influence mistrust. Leaders should model behaviors critical to achieving organizational success in personal and professional contexts (Leadership and management communication, n.d.). The example represents an experience where a trusted public figure displays poor judgment and conveys a historically bad leadership experience.
Question Three: Some Key Things That Make a Bad Leader.
Bad leaders lack communication competence. They do not clearly express the vision, purpose for change, and specific goals. As a result, employees face uncertainty in dynamic roles. Ineffective leade...
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