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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Symptoms and Pathogens Associated with Eye Disorders

Case Study Instructions:

Maria is a 20-year old daycare worker who presents with an itching, red eye and yellowish discharge. She complains that her R eye was stuck together this morning and has been “tearing” for the past 2 days. She has not been able to wear her contact lenses today. She denies any known trauma, or visual changes, but does report some nasal congestion. On exam there is diffuse erythema of the R conjunctiva with visible dried yellow exudate; L eye with mild erythema in the periphery; no periorbital edema. Inferior nasal turbinates are pale and boggy, but no nasal drainage is noted.
What portions of the symptom analysis are missing in this case?
Identify risk factors for eye disorders; which if any might apply to the patient in this case?
What additional questions would you ask this patient?
List possible differential diagnosis with rationale
What pathogens are commonly associated with eye disorders?
What is your final diagnosis?
Provide a plan for treatment and follow-up. When might an opthalmalogy referral be indicated
What education would you provide to this patient? Identify resources used to develop treatment plan

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Case Study 1
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Case Study 1
What portions of the symptom analysis are missing in this case?
The case requires a more comprehensive exploration of the subjective symptoms. For instance, it is essential to determine the history or when the reported issues started, among other subjective assessments. However, the most crucial missing portion of the symptoms is the objective ones. The healthcare providers must conduct a thorough analysis, including purse rate, body temperature, respiratory rate, and other related details. This information significantly informs the diagnosis of a patient.
Identify risk factors for eye disorders; which, if any, might apply to the patient in this case
Maria’s symptoms illustrate that she could be suffering from the different types of conjunctivitis eye disorders. These illnesses have comparable causative or risk factors with minimal differences. Considering the various symptoms disclosed by the patient in this case, some likely risk factors may include infection by viruses for bacterial conjunctivitis (CDC, 2019). Other risks could be bacteria exposure or contact with allergens. Many other risk factors could trigger similar symptoms to those reported by Maria, including chemicals, irritating foreign material in the eye, wearing contact lenses, air pollution through dust, smoke, chemical vapors, ameba, or fungi infections. These risk factors make the diagnosis of conjunctivitis difficult.
What additional questions would you ask this patient?
A thorough assessment is vital for this patient to rule out other infections and reach an accurate diagnosis. As a result, it would be critical to ask the patient whether she has recently shared face cloths with other individuals or whether she frequents public swimming pools to determine exposure through direct contact (Solano et al., 2022). It would also be critical for the patient to clarify whether the itching is persistent or not to distinguish between viral and bacterial conjunctivitis (Lewis & Bhogal-Bhamra, 2021). One should also ask whether the patient has had any diagnosed infections of the upper respiratory tract. These questions are critical because of the challenges in differentiating the likely disease affecting this patient.
List possible differential diagnoses with rationale
Based on the diverse signs and symptoms presented by the patients and the physical examination by the healthcare provider, the possible differential diagnoses may comprise:
Uveitis. It is an autoimmune reaction with comparable ...
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