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7 pages/≈1925 words
1 Source
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 34.02

Chabros international Group

Case Study Instructions:
Deliverable: Submit an analysis of the operational and managerial challenges Chabros faces. Your report should clearly demonstrate your ability to apply, integrate, and cite relevant theories, concepts, frameworks and ideas from course readings into your analysis. Additional research is not required or desired. Use only the data and information provided by the case study, course readings, videos, conferences postings and discussion, and the Chabros website. Format: The report is to be 7-to-8 pages, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, 10-to-12 point type, and posted as rtf or Word document. Use APA format for references. The cover page, references, and appendixes are not part of the page count. The organization of the report is to include: Introduction: A brief, one-to-two paragraph introduction that succinctly states the issues or problems you will discuss in the report. Do not restate the facts presented in the case. Assume that your audience knows the facts of the case. Analysis: What are the major issues and management problems challenging Chabros International Group? Choose any two (2) of the following: Strategy/modes of entry; organizational structure; marketing strategy; sourcing strategies/logistics; international and local staffing policy. What motivated Chami to expand Chabros' operations internationally? What strategy did he follow: International, multidomestic, global or transnational? What strategies/options were available to Chabros to overcome the financial crisis? Which strategy/option would you recommend? Why? If you decide to follow a market development growth strategy, into which new country would you expand? Rank the candidate countries. Explain how you derived your ranking. If you decide to follow a market penetration growth strategy, in which country where Chabros is already operating should it expand further? Would Morocco be a good country to enter as a new market? Log on to the Chabros International Group website. Evaluate the website. Should any information be added or clarified? Provide one or two suggestions to Chabros on how it can improve its website for marketing its products and brand. Conclusions and Lessons Learned: What can companies learn from this case study on the issues you identified? Are there examples of “best practice” you can point to from case studies discussed in conferences this semester?
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Chabros International Group Name: Institution: Introduction Chabros International Group faces market management problems that need to be solved to reestablish the company in the industry. Having opened up branches in various countries, the company fails to effectively manage its procurement and distribution logistics that would help it reap the benefits of operating as a multinational company. The details of this report will focus on the financial and managerial strategies that may have contributed to decline in sales and profits for the company. The company faces a number of problems in management supplies and production. First, management and coordination of leading and minor subsidiaries of the company has not been effective. There were no sufficient financial reasons considered when opening subsequent branches in Dubai and others. According to business expansion strategies, performing pre-feasibility tests and financial analysis of new markets provides crucial information needed in decision making. In this case, Chabros management did not perform financial analysis when opening other branches outside Lebanon. The management was enticed by market demands and size of foreign markets but despite evident shortage in supplies, the company engaged in opening more subsidiaries. In its efforts to acquire new markets, the company has not evaluated other countries but has solely focused on Morocco. This report will address misguided strategies that the management followed together with available strategies that may be implemented to reestablish Chabros International Group. Analysis Chabros International Group faces two serious problems: Sourcing logistical strategies and poor Organizational culture. Logistical strategy involves taking control of flow of resources from point of origin, (supply) to distribution. The company’s success was based on its management of the relatively small market in Lebanon. During this period, the company could manage supplies from Ita...
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